How many years must one work in Spain to claim a Spanish State Pension?
When Brexit finally happened, one of the concerns that I had was regarding the bilateral agreement between the UK and Spain. I wanted clarification on whether years worked in the UK would continue to count towards the years required to qualify for the Spanish State Pension. The minimum number of years in the UK is 10 years but in Spain it is 15 years. Under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement made between the EU and the UK on 24th December 2020, and specifically the Article SSC.7: Aggregation of periods, it states that the periods of employment must be considered “as though they were periods completed under the legislation which it applies”.
How does this work in practice?
If someone has worked for 9 years in the UK and 14 years in Spain then, under the individual countries’ rules, neither minimum has been achieved. However, both countries’ rules are satisfied when adding the 9 to the 14 and vice versa. That is not to say that one would receive 23 years’ pension from either or both countries but merely that the person qualifies for a pension in both countries; 9 years’ pension in the UK and 14 in Spain. Details of how the pension is calculated can be found in my colleague Chris Burke’s article Claiming your UK State Pension whilst living in Spain/EEA.