The year 2024 is drawing to a close. Financially it has been a rather good year in the markets with a lot of our clients’ portfolios doing much better this year than previous years. Even as you start to prepare for Christmas or wind down at the end of the year, there are still some financial points you should be aware of.
Financial update December 2024
By Katriona Murray-Platon
This article is published on: 4th December 2024
The interest rates on the Livret A and the LDDS savings accounts will reduce from 3% to 2.5% next year (probably in February). Even though the rate has dropped these accounts are still a good place to keep money needed for the short to medium term. Any amounts that you do not foresee needing or you want to get a better return from without paying tax, should be put into an assurance vie.
Christmas is a time for giving whether that is to families or charities. Although gifts to friends and family normally have to be declared, for events such as birthdays or Christmas, you can give money to your loved ones without having to declare these amounts to the tax office. This is known as a “presents d’usage”. If you wish to give money by bank transfer it is advisable to put on the transfer order the words “Présent d’usage pour Noel” so that there is no doubt about the fact that it falls under the exemption.
If you haven’t been giving to charity regularly over the year, now is the time to gift money to any worthy causes. Gifts to charities of general interest or recognised as of public utility in France would allow you to benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the amount gifted up to a maximum amount of 20% of your taxable income. Gifts to charities who help those in difficulty receive a tax reduction of 75% of the amount gifted for amounts under and including €1000. Any amount over €1000 will get a tax reduction of 66%. In both cases the tax reduction cannot be more than 20% of your taxable income.

You have until 4th December to amend your 2023 tax return online from your online account on the impots website.
After this date you will only be able to submit a paper return with any amendments.
Until 12th December you can change the amount of the 60% advance that you will get for your tax credits and reductions which is normally paid mid January.
December is the last chance to add some money to your PER retirement accounts if you have the money to do so and if you want to reduce your tax liability. You can put as much as you like into the PER but the tax benefits are limited to either up to 10% of your annual income up to a certain amount or 10% of the PASS (see below). You may also use any unused amounts from previous years, these will appear on your 2023 tax statement. This amount is deducted from your taxable income before being assessed at your marginal rate.
The PASS (plafond annual de la sécurité sociale) has increased by 1.6% and is set at €47,100 for 2025 or a monthly amount of €3925 (compared with €3864 in 2024). This has an impact on the maximum amount you can receive from daily sick leave pay for occupational illnesses or maternity pay, disability allowances or French pensions. It is also used to calculate the maximum amount you can pay into a PER retirement account.
There are still a few weeks in December and I will be working until 20th, seeing existing clients and meeting new ones. We are going to spend a few days in London and then travel up to Liverpool to spend Christmas with my family.
I hope you have a lovely holiday season with all your friends and family and I look forward to bringing you more financial news and information next year.