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Viewing posts from: November 2000

What New Year’s Resolution can I make for 2015?

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 18th November 2014

As 2014 draws to an end and we look forward to spending the festive period with family and friends, there is one New Year’s resolution that you can make which will benefit both you and your family and that is to make sure that you review your finances in 2015.

2014 has seen the UK Government make changes to pensions, the French Government levy Social Charges on areas not previously charged and a joint agreement on Wills which is due to come into effect during 2015. On top of this, there is constant media concentration on whether the UK is better off in or out of the EU. Bearing all of this in mind, it is worth taking advantage of a free financial review to ensure your savings, investments & pensions are working for you in the most tax-efficient manner and that they match your goals and aspirations for the future.

A free financial review will include the following areas:

  • Investments – to ensure they are as tax efficient as possible
  • Inheritance tax – to minimise the amount of inheritance tax imposed and increase your say in where you money goes after you die.
  • Pension planning – putting you in better control of planning for your future

Whether it has been a while since you last looked at your finances or you are unaware of how changes both in the UK & France could affect you, a decision to take a free financial review could be one of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below and I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or any recommendations we provide.

Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Tax efficient saving in France with Livret A & Assurance Vie

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 17th October 2014

When I was a UK resident I was able to take advantage of tax free savings schemes. Are there French products that will allow me to save, tax free, now I live in France?

There are two main tax efficient saving products you can take advantage of as a French resident, Livret A & Assurance Vie.

Livret A is a deposit based account which all banks and the post office offer.  It gives you instant access however this is balanced by a modest rate of interest of around 1% p.a. There is also a maximum amount of 22,950 Euros per person you can hold within a Livret A.

An Assurance Vie is an investment which again all banks and financial institutions here in France offer.

I have written about this before yet I think a reminder of the important aspects of the mechanism of “assurance vie” is probably in order here:

  • An Assurance Vie (“AV”) is a type of insurance however unlike a life insurance policy you may have experienced in the UK, these policies shield any investments from virtually all forms of tax while the funds remain inside the AV. (some funds receive dividend income that has had withholding tax deducted).
  • AV’s become more tax efficient over time. After 8 years funds can be withdrawn from the AV and taxed at just 7.5% on the gain element only. Funds can be accessed at any time before that, with the gain declared on your annual tax return. Standard social tax remains payable on all gain, but only when drawn.
  • After eight years your gain is not only tax efficient, but it can be offset against a tax free allowance of (currently) €4,600 per person (€9,200 per couple) per annum. I would be happy to run through this with you as part of a free financial health check.
  • AV policies are not subject to succession law. Proceeds from an AV policy can be shared amongst any number of beneficiaries. Although the succession tax benefit is reduced when the subscribers are aged over 70, there are still worthwhile benefits to be gained in this area.

What should I ask for in an Assurance Vie?

  • Portability – Can I take it with me if I move back to England or to another country?
  • Regulation – Is the company advising me on an Assurance Vie regulated in France?
  • Fees – No up front entrance fees apart from the money I use to establish the policy?
  • Social Charges – If & how are Social Charges applied to my AV ?
  • Currency – Can I invest in Sterling? Euros?

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

CGT and social charges applied to rental income and investments in France

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 14th September 2014

I often get asked to explain how French Capital Gains Tax is applied and when & if they can expect social charges to be levied on their investments. These are two very interesting areas for expats:

Capital Gains tax

A capital gain arises when an asset has been sold for more than it was originally bought for. For example if you originally invested £50,000 in a unit trust and now sell it for £75,000. Your gain is £25,000 and therefore has a potential liability for Capital Gains Tax. Different levels of relief apply depending on how long you have held this investment, so not all of the gain is subject to tax.

Capital Gains Tax is also due is when a house is sold for profit which isn’t your primary residence. You may live in France permanently in rental property however, if you have sold your UK home and made a profit, this profit is subject to Capital Gains Tax in France. This applies even if it is the only property you own. Again there are different levels of tax relief depending on how long you have owned the property.

There are tax efficient investments and savings for expats that shelter your liability to capital gains and now you are living in France you should be taking advantage of them.

Social Charges

Social Charges are applied to all income, irrespective of where it is earned. There are as several exceptions to this, namely Government & UK State Pensions. If you rent out property in the UK, although you may pay your income tax in the UK you will have to pay Social Charges on the income in France. Social Charges also apply if you receive an income from savings, investments or a private pension.

There is a double taxation treaty in place which means you won’t pay income tax twice when you complete your tax return here in France but income tax should not be confused with Social Charges.

Social Charges can also be charged on certain Assurance Vies’ and this depends on the type of fund that you are invested in. If your Assurance Vie is invested in a Fonds en Euros, where growth is physically applied periodically, social charges will be due. This is not the case on several other Assurance Vie options, where social charges are only levied once a withdrawal is made & only apply to the gain proportion of the withdrawn amount.

If you have existing investments whether in France or in the UK it is worth contacting me to chat about the most tax efficient way to hold your savings and keep the tax you pay to a minimum.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please contact me below and & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

Enthusiastic feedback from ‘Le Tour de Finance’

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 14th August 2014

For anyone who missed my recent seminars, I will be at The Deux Sevres Show on Saturday 20th September from 10.00am to answer any questions you may have. This ever popular event will be held at La Salle Aluna 21, Lac des Effres, 79130 Secondigny

The recent and successful Le Tour de Finance seminars covered many areas of finance expats encounter whilst living in France, including:

• Recent budget changes in UK pensions and the effect on expats – recent changes have opened up a number of new options, however, specialist advice is important to ensure you receive recommendations right for your situation

• The tax efficiency of your current investments – many people had tax effective investments whilst UK residents, but are these still best value now you live in France?

• Where should I pay my tax? – This is becoming an increasingly asked question due to where you & your family are actually domiciled. Whilst the UK & France have a double taxation treaty, your domicile can have an effect on social charges you are liable for.

• Regulation – Having a relationship with a company who are regulated in the country where you live in very important for financial peace of mind

• Value for Money – In today’s competitive economy, it is important to receive value for money in any advice you receive.

In addition to the above I can also talk to you about how you can plan for your pension now that you are working in France & how recent changes in social charges could impact your current investments & rental income you receive in France or the UK.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

By popular demand Le Tour de Finance will be back in the autumn months. Please contact us here for further details.

Are you thinking about starting a pension in France?

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 15th July 2014

I have been working in France for several years and feel I should now be looking at long terms plans & pensions, but don’t know where to start. Can you help me?


There are many people who, like myself, have come to France to work. Once your business is established it is sensible to start to think about your longer terms financial goals:

  • At what age would I lie to retire or reduce the number of hours I am working?
  • What UK pension can I expect to receive bearing in mind I am no longer paying National Insurance contributions?
  • What can I do with any private UK pension pots I have from my time working in the UK?
  • How much income do I think I will need once I retire in France?
  • What can I do to maximise my income & minimise my tax when I retire?

A free financial consultation will allow us to cover all of the above questions and look at options based on your personal circumstances, which will allow you to best plan ahead. Several small decisions now, can make a great difference to your future quality of life.

 There are no consulting fees for providing you with advice or ongoing service.  Our Client Charter outlines how we work and what you can expect from us. Please do not hesitate to ask for a copy of this.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

Who is “Ask Amanda?”

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 15th May 2014

As it has been over 2 years since I introduced myself to Deux Sevres Magazine readers, I thought a reminder of who I am would be helpful:

Along with drawing on the resources of The Spectrum IFA Group, one of Europe’s leading independent intermediaries, I have 25 years of experience in financial services.

For over 15 years I have specialised in personal financial planning. Whilst in the UK I worked for several UK high street banks as a financial advisor, attaining the following Certificate for Financial Advisers (CeFA®) qualifications: C.E.F.A I, C.E.F.A II, C.E.F.A III & CEMAP

After a permanent move to France in 2006, I have been addressing the unique financial planning needs of expatriates and those with cross-border interests. I have a detailed knowledge of the French rules & regulations for tax efficient investments, pension organisation, Inheritance planning & French mortgages.

In making recommendations we have access to some of the world’s most respected international banking, investment management and insurance institutions, bringing customers a widespread range of services.

There are no consulting fees for providing you with advice or ongoing service. Our Client Charter outlines how we work and what you can expect from us. Please do not hesitate to ask for a copy of this.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our upcoming road shows (June 17th & 19th) or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

Amanda Johnson tel : 05 49 98 97 46 or 06 73 27 25 43 e-mail : web:

How can I find out more about the financial services that are available to me in France?

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 15th April 2014

For the past few years in addition to running financial surgeries, where people can pop in & ask me questions they may have, The Spectrum IFA Group have also held tremendously successful “Tour de Finance” roadshows in the area in conjunction with Currencies Direct.

This year we will be at the beautiful Chateau de Saint Loup, in Saint Loup sur Thouet on Tuesday 17th June & our aim is to provide you with the opportunity to listen to various market leaders & complimentary service providers you may not have access to directly and informally, over a buffet lunch after, ask any questions you may have regarding your personal situation.

In addition to Currencies Direct and The Spectrum IFA Group we will be joined by a number of financial institutions including Prudential International, SEB & Standard Bank, as well as Chartered Accountants & international tax experts, PetersonSimms and experts in the French health system, Exclusive.

Starting with registration over coffee at 09.30 followed by a series of brief presentations and then a buffet lunch after, we plan to finish at around 14.30. Once the event is over you will be able to enjoy walking in the grounds of this lovely chateau.

Whether you want to register for our Tour de Finance road show, receive our regular newsletter or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

For more information on Le Tour de Finance please click here

Do I have to pay French Social Charges on my Assurance Vie?

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 14th April 2014

Under the most recently approved & ratified legislation the French Government announced that certain Assurance Vie’s should be subject to annual social charges of 15.5% for gains on the investment and this charge is to be deducted at source.

This is not the case for every Assurance Vie in circulation however, so it is worth reviewing any Assurance Vie you hold to understand whether yours will incur this additional taxation.

This amendment here in France, coupled with recent UK budget changes around private pensions may make now an ideal time to have a free financial review. I am happy to sit down with you, at a convenient time and consider your current situation in France. We will cover:

  • changes in legislation
  • inheritance tax planning
  • current investment returns
  • achieving maximum tax efficiency
  • pension planning & options


At The Spectrum IFA Group, we believe that regular face to face reviews are important to ensure that your financial situation is aligned to your current needs and plans, so if you have not considered your position recently, the month of May could be a good time to remedy this.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend our June road show in San Loup sur Thouet, or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

Is my Assurance Vie flexible?

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 14th February 2014

How flexible is my Assurance Vie, should my needs or circumstances change in the future?

When you take out Assurance Vie it is not only important that the money you put in is invested properly for your requirements and attitude to risk today, but that it can be managed, reviewed regularly and changed should your circumstances alter in the future.

Here are several questions you may want to consider when you when choosing or reviewing your Assurance Vie:

How do I change how the money is invested within my assurance vie?

During your annual review or should your circumstances change, it is important to be able to review your Assurance Vie and understand how it is performing. If it is not matching your requirements the mechanism for changing or swapping how your money is invested should be simple and not cost prohibitive.

How often can I change the contents of my assurance vie?

Flexibility to change how money is invested within your Assurance Vie, simply and inexpensively is important. You cannot predict when you may wish to change how your money is invested or encounter an unexpected need to withdraw some of it at short notice, so having a local financial planner who can manage this process simply and efficiently is a good idea.

How flexible is an Assurance Vie should I decide to leave France and live somewhere else?

It is important to ensure you are Assurance Vie portable should you wish to change your country of residence?

Do I understand the charges applicable to my Assurance Vie?

Whether you already have an Assurance Vie or are looking to take one out it is important to understand your obligations regarding applicable charges, taxes and social charges. It is worth noting that where & how your money is invested can have impact on social charges you are liable to incur.

At The Spectrum IFA group we firmly believe that your free financial health check is just the start of our ongoing commitment to your financial well-being. If you want to understand more about the options you have with an Assurance Vie, register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

Amanda Johnson

tel : 05 49 98 97 46 or  06 73 27 25 43

e-mail :



March Financial Surgeries:-

  • Thursday 13th March Café des Belles Fleurs, Fenioux 10.00 – 12 noon. 
  • Tuesday 25th March Pause Café, L’Absie 10.00 – 16.00 
  • Thursday 27th March Café Cour du Miracle Vouvant 11.00 – 15.00 
  • Friday 28th March Open Door Library, Civray 10.00 – 12 noon

Financial Peace of Mind

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 13th December 2013

Are you thinking about what to give your family & loved ones for Christmas? How about financial peace of mind!

As we approach the season of goodwill, many of us think about how we can help our families more. Whilst you are our choosing presents or perhaps arranging to spend the festive period with your nearest & dearest there is something you can do which may give them peace of mind well into the future. You can arrange for a financial review with me, which is free & provides the following benefits:

Peace of mind for you

Your financial review will look at your current financial situation and help you ensure that all investments are working for you in the most productive and tax efficient way, whilst taking into consideration your own risk profile

Peace of mind for your children

We will look at your potential inheritance tax obligation & ways to keep this to an absolute minimum

Peace of mind for all of your dependents

There are many options available for your investments or UK private pensions that can provide a more efficient & tailored way to pass money onto your dependents in the event of your death

If you want to know more about these areas you can either drop in to the Café des belles Fleurs in Fenioux where I hold a financial surgery on a Thursday morning, come and see me at Open Door in Civray last Tuesday morning in the Month, register for our newsletter or speak to me directly. Please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.


Have a fabulous Christmas & New Year from all at The Spectrum-IFA Group

TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 Paris « Société de Courtage d’assurances » R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384) Numéro d’immatriculation ORIAS 07 025 332 – « Conseiller en investissements financiers, référencé sous le numéro E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF, association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers»