Declaracion De La Renta
By Chris Burke
This article is published on: 25th May 2016

Impuesto Sobre La Renta De Las Personas Fisicas (IRPF)
Declaracion de la Renta, also known as IRPF is the annual income tax return that individuals have to submit/pay to the state/region of Spain where you are tax resident. In Spain the tax year is from 1st January to 31st December and you have to declare all your worldwide income. This is essentially very similar to the annual tax return you have to complete every year in the UK.
The period to submit your tax return is from the beginning of April to the end of June depending on whether you are self employed, employed or retired. During April you can submit your tax return only if your income is from a salary or a state or private pension from Spain. In May and June you can submit all other returns.
The procedure to submit your Declaracion De La Renta is as follows:
You can ask for a draft of your tax return from the tax office, check it and if needed change the details and then submit it. All this can be done online and this system can also be used if you declare a salary.
If you have a professional activity or a business you cannot get a draft, but you can ask for your fiscal information, that is all the information the tax office already have for you. You should always check this information is correct.
If you want to prepare the tax return yourself, in the tax administration web site ( you can download a program to prepare and submit it (programa PADRE).
If you are a professional or have a business/self employed (what in Spain we call an “autónomo”) it is strongly advisable that you have a digital signature. It will be useful to submit your Income Tax Return and other paper work with the tax office, for both Taxes and Social Security.
Not everybody has to submit a tax return. If you have a salary under €22,000 paid by a Spanish company or income from capital/interest under €1,600 annually, you don’t need to submit it. Nevertheless it could be advisable to check if you are entitled to have some money back, which can happen.
If you are self employed, you don’t have to submit a tax return if your annual income is below €1,000 including income from all sources. As there are other higher limits for income from capital and capital gains only, the key thing here is being self employed.
No matter what, if your capital losses are above €500 you also have an obligation to declare. This, for, example would mean if you disposed of an asset and made a €500 loss on it. Therefore, if you have a salary of €20,000 and capital losses of over €500 you have to declare it/submit a tax return.
If you receive income from outside Spain you have to submit a tax return no matter how much you have earned in one year. So, if your income is below all the limits said before, and you have monies from a bank outside of Spain that has been subject to retention or withholding tax (see EU savings directive) no matter the sum, you have to submit a tax return even if there is no tax to pay.
It might be easier and safer for you to submit a tax return via a Gestor (accountant/tax adviser) so that it is done correctly, on time and perhaps most importantly hassle free.