Le Tour de Finance – Spring Seminars
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 23rd February 2016
The spring run of Le Tour de Finance seminars in France is kicking off this week on the 8th March in Limoges and then moves on to Poitiers on the 9th March and Mouzil on the 10th March.
Le Tour de Finance in 2015 proved to be the most popular series of events ever and we celebrated the 100th event in November. The seminars offer English speaking expats a chance to meet various experts from fields including; specialist expat independent financial advice, mutli-asset wealth management, currency exchange, QROPS/pensions and expat tax advice. The experts represent a range of international institutions giving attendees unprecedented access to ask those nagging questions about living as an expat in France.
The events commence at 10am with a welcome coffee followed by a series of short and informative presentations. The seminars are wrapped up with a free buffet lunch and the chance to personally meet these experts and mingle with other like minded expats.
The next events are:
8th March 2016 | Haute-Vienn Limoges | Register Now | |
9th March 2016 | Poitou-Charentes Poitiers | Register Now | |
10th March 2016 | Pays de la Loire Mouzeil | Register Now |
If you would like further information or would like to book a place, please contact us
The objective of Le Tour de Finance is to provide expatriates with useful information relating to their financial lives. We try and cover frequently asked questions that we receive from our clients. It would be helpful for us to know what your particular areas of interest might be.
For further details and to book your place at a future event please register here or complete the form below.
Personal Financial Planning in France – if I knew then what I know now…
By Jonathan Cooper
This article is published on: 9th February 2016
A British National, I came to France in 1996 for what was meant to be a 3-year local contract. But here I am, still living in France 20 years later. Sound familiar?
This year, at the age of 57, I stopped full-time employment, though I expect to stay in France for some years to come. Here are a just few of the useful things I’ve learned over the years, as an expat in France, focusing on tips for those of you who are still relatively new to France.
Tax efficient investment vehicles
The ISA doesn’t exist in France, but the Plan d’Epargne en Actions (PEA) and the Assurance Vie (AV) do. One can invest 150k euros in a PEA, and after 5 years the gains are free from Capital Gains Tax (CGT). There is no limit to the number or amount invested for AV’s, and after 8 years, any gains on withdrawal attract only 7.5% tax (over 9200 euros/yr). Both PEA’s and AV’s attract Social Charges on investment gains. With present interest rates low, an AV older than eight years is a much better option than a savings account (Compte Epargne). Your employer might also offer you a Plan d’Epargne d’Enterprise (PEE) where investment gains are free from CGT after 5 years.
My advice to anyone becoming tax resident in France is to open a PEA and an AV as soon as you arrive, with just a small initial investment, just to get the clock ticking. You can always close them if your short term contract turns out to be just that!
Pensions, QROPS & PERPs
Years worked in the UK can be transferred to the French system, and additional years purchased at little cost, which can greatly increase the value of your French Pension.
With the 15-year Gilt Rate presently so low, UK pension pot valuations are very high. If you are thinking of staying overseas, it is a good time to consider the Pro’s and Con’s of transferring your pot to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS).
Each year you can invest up to 10% of your salary free of income tax (within the maximum of 8 times the Social Security ceiling) in a Plan d’Epargne de Retraite (PERP), and you can accumulate up to 3 years if you do not use this 10% annual allowance. If you have been made redundant, at the end of the 3-year period of unemployment benefit, you can withdraw all the funds from a PERP free of CGT, so avoiding taking an annuity. Investments in a PERP are not subject to Wealth Tax (ISF).
Getting good, in-depth financial advice
I have always worked with one of the big French Banks and whilst they offer a range of products, their understanding of the needs of Anglo-Saxons is not always high. They recommend mainly in-house products and could be a lot more pro-active.
My employers were kind enough to offer me big consultancy companies to help fill out my annual French tax forms. The introductory meetings with senior directors always went well, but it was clear the forms were filled out by very junior staff, and their aim was to fulfil a service to the employer as much as to me – they are not at all there to offer advice and optimise tax.
Whilst it’s taken me a while to realise, it’s best to seek the assistance of specialist independent financial advisers, people who really understand both the UK and French financial space. I like to have more than one, in addition to the bank, to ensure several points of view/proposals on which to base decisions.
From experience, I can certainly recommend Jon Cooper (The Spectrum IFA Group) and Thierry Mandengue (VIP Partner) – they have undoubtedly saved me tens of thousands of euros.
In my next article, I will share my knowledge of Stock Options, PEE’s and Inheritance planning. I’d be happy to discuss expat finance further if anyone is interested (mspowell58@gmail.com).
*This article has been written by Dr. Martin Powell, a retired, British, Senior Corporate Executive living in France and a client of Jonathan Cooper
Le Tour de Finance – 100th event in Dinard
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 15th November 2015
Our 100th financial seminar was quite rightly our biggest yet with approximately 90 attendees out of the 106 who had RSVP’d.
Guest speakers from Rathbones, SEB, Tilney Best Invest, Prudential International and Standard Bank all flew in specially for this event alongside the organisers and founders, Pippa Maile from Currencies Direct and Michael Lodhi from The Spectrum IFA Group.
The venue, Le Grand Hotel Dinard, was a fabulous location with first-class service and an excellent buffet lunch to finish.
There were plenty of prized to mark the event – five lucky attendees went home with 100euros in cash each, everyone received a goodie bag plus there was a prize draw for other prizes including champagne, signed British rugby shirts and autographed books.
Thank you to everyone who came along and made this such a great success. If you are one of the people who unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute, please feel free to drop us a line at seminars@ltdf.eu if you would like copies of the presentations or have a specific topic that you would like advice on.
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Can you make decent profits without a degree of market risk?
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 22nd October 2015
My article last month focussed on types of risk that that can present danger to the unwary investor. My top two risk types were Institutional Risk and Market Risk, but I concentrated mainly on my third risk factor – Foreign Exchange, largely because of my previous experience in this field. I was quite surprised by the interest the article produced, partly because the people who commented weren’t really ‘grabbed’ by F/X risk; but rather more interested in the other two categories. Can the modern investor really fall foul of institutional risk? Is anyone really daft enough to think that you can have decent profits or returns without taking on some degree of market risk? Unfortunately, the answer to both those last two questions is yes. I thought you might be entertained if I gave you some examples that hopefully won’t ring too many bells from your own experiences…
In 2009 I met a very interesting lady who was referred to me by a colleague in Spain, not that that is particularly relevant, but I did end up wondering if she’d had too much sun. All I knew before I met her was that she was due to receive a large sum shortly, and she wanted some investment advice. I spent ninety minutes with her, most of which was taken up with a battle of hope over reality. This unfortunate lady had been investing for a number of years with an organisation called The Liberty Wealth Club, and was 100% confident that she would be receiving a pay-out of $150,000 from the club in a matter of weeks. The more I listened, the more appalled I became, for this was truly a forerunner of a ‘Ponzi’ scam, labelled and outlawed in the UK as a Multi-Level Marketing scheme. Nothing I could say to her would make her listen. In the end, I told her that I would be delighted to help her invest her funds when they arrived, and we agreed to meet again on that basis. I never heard from her again.
A year or so later I took on a new client with a much more understandable problem. He had bought an apartment in Spain ‘off-plan’, with a view to selling it on before completion, at a healthy profit. As far as I’m aware, to this day he is still the legal owner of this apartment, although he returned the keys and stopped paying the mortgage years ago. It is a nightmare waiting to revisit him.
Another client with a similar problem bought a flat in Budapest, again unbuilt and ‘off plan’. The amount invested was sizeable, and it took four years for a brick to be laid. In desperation he eventually managed to sell it at a 60% loss.
Undeterred, this same client, before I met him I might add, then decided to invest in a forestry scheme designed to give him a regular income payment for the rest of his life. Unfortunately a drought seems to have interfered badly enough for the income to have dried up (sorry) completely.
Recently I have come across a mind-boggling concept called GCR – Global Currency Reset. Please, please, do not let anyone persuade you to invest any of your hard earned cash building up reserves in currencies such as the Iraqi Dinar or the Vietnamese Dong in the expectation that they will soon be revalued overnight and make your fortune. Believe me, this is not going to happen.
Sane people make these totally irrational investment decisions, albeit whilst temporality on the throes of some form of dangerous mental instability, as it is the only justification I can think of. Please do not be tempted to join this group of dramatic under-achievers. Sound financial advice may seem boring; much along the lines of ‘single digit gains’ and ‘realistic investment profiles’. Sound financial advice will however always save you from the nightmares that can result from your own flights of fancy, should you be that way inclined. And believe me, some of you are.
The UK’s future membership of the EU
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 13th October 2015
As the media hype heats up over the question of the UK’s future membership of the EU, clients are already asking what will happen if the outcome of the referendum is to leave the EU?
The simple answer is that we do not really know because a country has never left the EU. What we do know is, as British expatriates ourselves, we will be affected in the same way as our clients.
The more complicated answer is that it will depend upon whether it is a ‘soft exit’ or a ‘hard exit’.
A soft exit would be, for example, remaining as an EEA State (in the same way as Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein). As such, the UK would still have access to the single European market and full freedom of trade within the EU. However, in addition, the UK would be free to negotiate bilateral trade agreements with countries outside of the EU, something that is not possible with full EU membership. The UK would still have to adhere to EU product and financial regulations, as well as social and employment rules. EU budget contributions would still be required, although at a reduced level. Ability to restrict inward EU migration would not be allowed.
A ‘hard exit’ would take the UK outside of the EEA, resulting in it having no automatic access to trade within the EU, but it could continue to negotiate trade agreements with non-EU countries. There would be no more EU budget contributions and also no requirement to adhere to EU Regulations. Inward EU migration could be restricted.
With a ‘hard exit’, as British expatriates living in France, we would need to apply for a Carte de Séjour, but if already resident in France for 10 years, may be granted a Carte de Résidence. Certificates S1 would become a thing of the past and so British expatriates would have to pay cotisations for French health cover. Equally, EU nationals living in the UK, would no longer have an automatic right to live and work there.
The referendum is to take place by the end of 2017, but it is more likely now that it will be in 2016. What we can be certain about is that in the period leading up to the referendum, there will be uncertainty – in capital markets (particularly in the UK) and in currency markets (Sterling is likely to be under pressure).
As if the referendum was not enough to think about, we also have to continue playing the guessing game with central bank policy! It was widely expected that the Fed would start to increase US interest rates in September, but that was not to be. Whilst an increase is not entirely ruled out before the end of this year, no-one can be certain. It is unlikely that the UK will move on interest rates before the US.
In times of such uncertainty, it is more important than ever to seek advice on how to protect your wealth. At the Spectrum IFA Group we have a range of solutions to offer clients, depending upon attitude to investment risk and objectives. For example, have a range of capital protected investments and other low volatility multi-assets funds available. Hence, clients’ portfolios can easily be adjusted to protect their wealth, as and when necessary, something that is particularly appropriate during times of volatile markets.
Even when markets are not volatile, the benefits of diversification gained through investing in global multi-asset portfolios cannot be overstated. If this is combined with using investment management firms that have the size and capability to carry out extensive research into global markets, and investment risk is managed effectively, this considerably increases the chances of the clients’ investments performing better than the average over the medium to long-term.
Some people may be afraid to invest in capital markets during times of uncertainty. However, sitting with large amounts of cash in a bank is not risk-free. Apart from institutional risk, there is the real enemy of inflation, which can erode the real purchasing power of your capital, particularly since interest rates continue at ‘all-time lows’. Holding cash in the bank should really only be for short-term needs which of course includes any short-term capital projects that you might have planned, as well as a cushion for emergencies. Bank deposits are not usually appropriate for medium to long-term investment.
The investment solutions that we recommend to our clients are all carried out within tax-efficient products, which are also highly beneficial for inheritance planning in France. Everyone is different and that is why it is very important that we carry out a full review of a prospective client’s situation to find the right solution for them. It is equally important to ensure that this is kept under review and to not be afraid to make adjustments, when necessary.
The above outline is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a recommendation from The Spectrum IFA Group to take any particular action on the subject of investment of financial assets or the mitigation of taxes.
The Spectrum IFA Group advisers do not charge any fees directly to clients for their time or for advice given, as can be seen from our Client Charter at spectrum-ifa.com/spectrum-ifa-client-charter
What are the main financial risks as an expat in France?
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 29th September 2015
Age and wealth are often linked. One increases inexorably in a linear fashion, and the other tends also to increase over time, but always in a non-linear way. Following this traditional route, we tend to become more affluent as we get older, barring financial mishaps and accidents of course. This may have something to do with the notion that as we get older we become wiser. That may well also be true up to a point, but then it can occasionally go horribly wrong. Leaving that unfortunate possibility to one side, how can we expats best contribute to our own financial well-being?
All a bit deep that, but here is what I’m getting at. If I were to attempt to present a snapshot of my average client to you, it would be of a couple in their late 50’s to early 60’s who have retired early after successful careers and family building, based either on employment or their own business. Avid Francophiles, they are now ‘living the dream’ funded by the fruits of their former labours. All is well in their world; or at least that is how it appears on the surface. Underneath though, there are concerns, and these concerns are common to all of us. Age and money.
I think very few of us actually like getting older; I certainly don’t. It is becoming more and more difficult to ignore those ‘milestone’ anniversaries. I think of them more as millstones these days. As I suspect is the case with many of us, I tend these days to look my accumulated ‘wealth’ (cough), and wonder if it will last me out. I think it will, and I certainly hope it will, but I’m pragmatic enough to realise that it isn’t a ‘gimme’ (in Solheim cup parlance).
So then I start to look at the variables. What can possibly go wrong? What can I do to defend myself against the risks? What are the risks? I am after all a financial adviser; all this should come naturally to me. To an extent it does, but knowing what is out there doesn’t mean that you necessarily know how to beat it. It does help though. Here is my top three on my list of risks to worry about:
Institutional Risk – Basically this means that you put all of your money under the floorboards in the attic, but next year your house burns down, floorboards and all.
Market Risk – How could putting all your money into VW shares possibly go wrong?
Exchange Rate Risk – This is where Murphy’s Law comes into play. Whatever the rate is; whatever you do will be wrong. Otherwise known as Sod’s Law.
Obviously, it is a good idea to work on avoiding these risks wherever possible. I thought long and hard before listing them in this order, but I do think that Institutional Risk stands out. After all, it can wipe you out completely. It can also be avoided completely. The other two cannot be eradicated, although some would argue about F/X risk.
Indeed there was a time when I would have argued that F/X risk can be avoided. In a former life (I’ve told you this before I know), I used to be a foreign exchange dealer in the world of international banking, before it became unfashionable. One of my jobs was to explain to corporate and private clients that F/X risk was the enemy, to be identified and eliminated at all costs; unless of course your job was to make money trading (gambling) in it.
Ten years ago I brought this dogma into my new career as an IFA in France. How long do you intend to stay in France? (forever). Where are your savings? (in the UK, in sterling)… Over the years, the subtleties started to emerge. The collapse of sterling against the Euro; the resulting exodus of thousands of UK ‘snow birds’ from Spain because their UK pensions wouldn’t support them anymore, and the growing realisation that our old enemy ‘age’ was always going to play its trump card; they all contributed to the much changed conversations that have with my clients these days. Strangely though, it is another banking term that now dominates my thinking, namely hedging. ‘Hedge your bets’. To be honest, I tend to question anyone these days who says that they will never return to the UK. Statistics show otherwise. We tend to base our current view on our current circumstances, preferring not to think about what will happen if we end up on our own. How many UK expats are there, I wonder, in French care homes?
Since the Euro came into existence the £/€ exchange rate has been as high as 1.7510 and as low as 1.0219. In anyone’s language that is an enormous range. Coincidentally we currently sit at almost exactly the half way point between those two extremes, but I don’t see that as any reason for complacency. We need to take this risk very seriously, especially if we accept the possibility that we will one day have no more use for Euros. I have a firm view on the best way to manage this risk, but I’ve run out of space in this edition. If you want to discuss it, you know where to find me.