What is QROPS?
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 23rd April 2015
A QROPS (Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme) is an overseas pension scheme that meets certain requirements set by HMRC and follows the same standards or equivalent as a UK pension.
Most expat UK pensions can easily be transferred into a QROPS, as long as the overseas scheme is registered with HMRC and is fully compliant with the standards of the jurisdiction it is domiciled in. QROPS’ profile was increased after HMRC introduced a series of new pension rules on 6th April 2006.
• Putting your pension into a QROPS will give you a greater level of control over the way your pension fund is invested. You can consolidate a number of different pensions into one QROPS pot and you will not have to buy into an annuity.
• QROPS will also let you bestow the rest of the fund to your beneficiaries without any deduction of UK tax upon death, as long as you have spent five years or more living outside the UK.
How secure is your pension? The global recession and credit crunch have created a lot of concern about investments. And for most people pensions involve very large investment decisions. You could already be receiving a pension income, but is it working hard enough for you? Or are you one of the many people with a deferred pension. There can be risks involved, even with final salary schemes. Falling stock markets and increased life expectancy have put a great strain on these schemes with most being closed to new members. We recommend that all expatriates with a UK pension review their fund carefully, and consider all the options. Particularly as non-residents have the opportunity to move their UK fund to an international pension.
What is an International pension? New UK legislation has created international pension products known as Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes(QROPS). In essence, QROPS must mirror the UK requirements for pension commencement lump sum and income benefits. HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will only allow overseas transfers to schemes that have an official QROPS status. Careful consideration needs to taken when considering a transfer, as HMRC are aware of some jurisdictions promoting the scheme as a blatant way of tax evasion (ie Singapore, which was delisted by the HMRC in 2008).
We work closely with the authorities concerned to help our clients be placed in the most appropriate jurisdictions.
So what are the benefits of QROPS?
• Potential freedom from UK tax upon death, even after the age of 75 (Finance Act 2008)
• Transfer of the fund to future generations upon death with the potential avoidance of current UK tax charge on residual fund. If the member is over the age of 75 at death, the beneficiary will be taxed at their marginal rate of income tax on any income from the fund, or at the rate of 45% if the whole of the fund is taken as a lump sum. From April 2016, lump sum payments will be taxed at a beneficiary’s marginal tax rate.
• Flexibility to access funds at any time between the ages of 55 and 75.
• Access to income and capital without deduction of tax.
• No deduction of tax at source. However, taxation may apply in the member’s jurisdiction of tax residence.
• Reduction of currency risk by transferring the funds to Euros, for example if a client lives in Europe and will be spending Euros in their daily lives.
• No requirement to buy an annuity
Example when QROPS is a good idea
A Client is aged 65 and lives in France and has done so for more than 5 full UK tax years.
The client has no intention to return to the UK.
The client wishes to take the maximum Pension Commencement Lump Sum (PCLS) and immediately draw an income from the remaining pension fund.
The existing UK pension scheme is a Money Purchase Scheme and does not have any guarantees attached to it. The client is being charged 1% per annum plus annual fund management charges by their UK provider and the pension has a transfer value of £200,000.
In the event the client passes away they wish their pension fund to pass as a lump sum to their spouse. Were they to pass away after age the age of 75, the fund would be subject to a 45% UK tax charge before being passed on to their widow/widower. (from 2016 both income or lump sum benefits would be taxed at the beneficiary’s marginal rate of income tax).
Following a detailed analysis of their UK scheme, including the cost and tax implications, the client decides to go ahead with a transfer under the QROPS provisions to a Malta registered and recognised provider.
The QROPS costs are £645 for the set up fee and £845 per annum (in some cases these fees can be less).
The investments are administered for a cost of 1% per annum plus annual fund management charges.
The client receives 30% of their pension pot as a PCLS, which is taxed in France at a rate of 7.5%. Had the client left their pension in the UK, they would be able to take only 25% PCLS and it would still be taxed in France. He then draws an income of 150% of UK GAD rates, which is paid to them gross by the Maltese QROPS provider, as Malta has a Double Taxation Treaty in place with France.
Then they declares this income on his French Tax return. The funds used in their portfolio are all purchased without initial charges or commissions.
These funds are all daily traded and none are subject to any penalty charges if they are sold. The funds purchased to provide income are managed by some of the very top investment houses in the business; for example, BlackRock, JP Morgan Asset Management , Jupiter Asset Management, Kames Capital and Henderson Global Investors.
• The additional costs are only the £645 set up fee and an £845 annual charge.
• The client has been able to withdraw an additional 5% of the fund as a PCLS. • Upon death the client’s pension pot will pass in its entirety to their widow or widower. • The client is able to mitigate potential currency risks. • Increased Flexibility (i.e. a normal Personal Pension Plan does not allow drawdown) • Consolidation of pension plans making them easier to manage
Example when QROPS is not a good idea
A client has a Section 32 pension. • The client is coming up to retirement age, they do not live in the UK and have no plans to return.
• The client’s main requirement is a high income and as they have no children they are not so worried about the death lump sum.
• Having analysed the pension we find out that it provides a Guaranteed Annuity Rate (GAR) of 8.7% per annum for life. (Note* this is not the case with every Section 32 pension).
• Our view is that this is a very good income rate, especially when compared to current annuity rates which are very low.
• Transferring to a QROPS would mean this GAR is lost and then any future income will be based on normal income drawdown rules.
Therefore we recommended that this particular client should leave the pension where it is in order to enjoy this high guaranteed income rate.
Our advice would not always be the same for every client as there would be restrictions to when annuities could be taken, the spouse’s benefit would have been minimal and there also would be no death lump sum for any other beneficiaries. So this solution would not be ideal in every case.
A client’s aims and objectives will drive the advice as for some people it may have been better to transfer this plan. This is why we fully review each individual pension plan and discuss with our clients what the benefits are, what the options are and what might be best for them depending on whether they require a higher lump sum, higher income, better spouse benefits, better death benefits for children, require income earlier than age 60, as many GARs are only applicable at age 60 etc.
The importance of each factor will vary depending on whether a client is married, has other income or cash available, has children, whether they are divorced and re-married, their risk profile etc.
Other reasons not to transfer:
• Fund value below £50k – expense ratio too high.
• Final Salary – the client wants the stable income with inflation increases and is happy for the pension to stop on the death of both the client and their spouse.
• Guarantees attached. – The pension has a Guaranteed Annuity Rate (GAR) or Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) – i.e. the annuity could be in the region of 8-10% for life or the client could have a guaranteed income which is also in this region. (although with the latter the fund growth can increase to make the guaranteed income less attractive, you don’t know until retirement date, with the annuity you always get the % so if the fund goes up the % stays the same.
• The pension has an enhanced lump sum.
Changes to UK pensions: how will they affect you?
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 14th April 2015

This year brings about major changes in UK pension rules. Under the reform named ‘Freedom and Choice in Pensions’, which comes into effect in April 2015, people will be provided with greater choice about how and when they can take their benefits from certain types of pension arrangements.
Following proposals first made in March last year, subsequent consultation resulted in the Pensions Taxation Bill being published in August, with further amendments then being made in the October.
Additionally, some provisions were clarified in the autumn budget statement. Therefore, subject to there not being any further changes before the imminent enactment of the legislation, we can be reasonably certain of the new rules.
To understand the reform, you need to understand the two main types of pensions:
- The first is the Defined Benefit Pension (DB), where your employer basically promises to pay you a certain amount of pension, which is calculated by reference to your service and your earnings. DBs are a rare breed now, as employers have found this type of arrangement too costly to maintain.
This is because the liability for financing the scheme falls upon the employer (after anything that the individual is required to contribute) and if there is any shortfall in assets to meet the liabilities – perhaps because of poor investment returns – the employer must put more money into the scheme.
- The second type of pension is the Money Purchase Plan (MPP). You put money into an MPP, as does your employer, the government (in the form of tax rebates) and, in the past, national insurance contribution rebates.
For some, your MPP was not arranged through an employer at all and you just set up something directly yourself with an insurance company.
There are several different types of MPP arrangements, but they all result in the same basic outcome. The amount of the pension that you receive depends on the value of your pension pot at retirement and so the investment risk rests with you. There is no promise from anyone and no certainty of what you might receive.
The proposed reform is all about MPPs, although there is nothing to stop a person from transferring their private DB to an MPP if they have left the service of the former employer.
The majority of the changes will be effective from 6 April 2015 and these will apply to money purchase pension arrangements only. Therefore, people with deferred pension benefits in funded defined benefit plans, who wish to avail themselves of the changes, must first of all transfer their benefits to a money purchase scheme. Members of unfunded public sector pension schemes will not be allowed to make such a transfer.
Under the new rules, people will be able to take all the money in their pension pot as a one-off lump sum or as several lump sum payments. For UK-resident taxpayers, 25% of each amount will be paid tax free and the balance will be subject to income tax at the marginal rate (the highest being 45%).
Alternatively, it will be possible to take 25% of the total fund as a cash payment (again, tax free for UK residents) and then draw an income from the remaining fund (taxed at the marginal rate). The commencement of income withdrawal can be deferred for as long as the person wishes. Furthermore, there will be no minimum or maximum amount imposed on the amount that can be withdrawn in any year.
The annual allowance, which is the amount of tax-relieved pension contributions that can be paid into a pension fund, is currently £40,000 per annum. For anyone who flexibly accesses their pension funds in one of the above ways, the annual allowance will be reduced to £10,000 for further amounts contributed to a money purchase arrangement.
However, the full annual allowance of up to £40,000 (depending upon the value of new money purchase pension savings) will be retained for further DB savings.
The ‘small pots’ rules will still apply for pension pots valued at less than £10,000. People will be allowed to take up to three small pots from non-occupational schemes and there is no limit on the number of small pot lump sums that may be paid from occupational schemes. For a UK resident, 25% of the pot will be tax free. Accessing small pension pots will not affect the annual allowance applicable to other pension savings.
The required minimum pension age from which people can start to draw upon their pension funds will be set at 55, except in cases of ill health, when it may be possible to access the funds earlier. However, this will progressively change to age 57 from 2028; subsequently, it will be set as 10 years below the state pension age.
The widely reported removal of the 55% death tax on UK pension funds has been clarified. Thus, whether or not any retirement benefits have already been paid from the money purchase fund (including any tax-free lump sum), the following will apply from 6 April 2015:
- In the event of a pension member’s death below the age of 75, the remaining pension fund will pass to any nominated beneficiary and the beneficiary will not have any UK tax liability. This is whether the fund is taken as a single lump sum or accessed as income drawdown.
- If the pension member is over the age of 75 at death, the beneficiary will be taxed at their marginal rate of income tax on any income drawn from the fund, or at the rate of 45% if the whole of the fund is taken as a lump sum. From April 2016, lump sum payments will be taxed at a beneficiary’s marginal tax rate.
There will be more flexibility for annuities purchased after 6 April 2015. For example, it will be possible to have an annuity that decreases, which could be beneficial to bridge an income gap, perhaps before state pension benefits begin. In addition, there will no longer be a limit on the guarantee period, which is currently set at a maximum of 10 years.
French residents can take advantage of the new flexibility and providing that you are registered in the French income tax system, it is possible to claim exemption from UK tax under the terms of the double-tax treaty between the UK and France.
However, there are a number of French tax implications to be considered here, and these are as follows:
- You will be liable to French income tax on the payments received, although in certain strict conditions, it may be possible for any lump sum benefits to be taxed at a fixed prélèvement rate.
- If France is responsible for the cost of your French health cover, you will then also be liable for social charges of 7.1% on the amounts received.
- The former pension assets will become part of your estate for French inheritance purposes, as well as becoming potentially liable for wealth tax.
Therefore, if you are French-resident, it is essential to seek independent financial advice from a professional who is well versed in both the UK pension rules and the French tax rules before taking any action.
Such financial advice should also include examining whether or not a transfer of your pension benefits to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) could be in your best interest.
Sterling or euro?
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 31st March 2015

My monthly articles appear principally in the Flyer and on the Spectrum website, although I have seen them crop up in all sorts on unlikely places on the internet. Thankfully, they create a steady stream of calls or emails from readers who have many and varied financial issues to address. Quite often these issues can be well beyond my capabilities as a financial adviser to address, but I will always try to help as much as I can. I do hope for example that my assertion that French motorway petrol stations open on Christmas day was correct; and I would love to know whether the gentleman planning to start selling ice cream from a van outside the Old Cité gates in Carcassonne succeeded in his venture. I also felt truly sorry that I was unable to lend one gentleman €30,000 to buy a plot of land to enable him to fish from the river Aude.
Last month I ended my article with the following paragraph: Clients who have Sterling assets do not need to convert them to Euro to make use of the products available to them outside the UK. Those clients who have transferred their assets in Sterling are most probably quite pleased that they did not convert, but what about now? What if we hit 1.40, or 1.45? For my money the only way is down from there, back to my preferred levels. If we do get to 1.40, I will certainly be looking long and hard at my Sterling funds, with my finger hovering over the deal button.
Well, it did indeed happen, and as I write this sterling is worth over 1.40 Euro. Did my finger hover over the ‘deal’ button? Yes it did. Did I press that button? No I didn’t. I need to make two things perfectly clear here. Firstly, what I’m about to type must not be regarded as advice. I’m just telling you what thought process I went through. Secondly, we’re not talking mega bucks (or pounds) here, certainly not for the meagre amount that is lurking in our one and only UK bank account anyway.
It’s quite difficult to express the reason for not changing that sterling into Euro, but I’ll give it a go, at the risk of sounding somewhat deranged. Every one of my pounds somehow feels to me to be worth more than €1.40. That is of course irrational. Anyone who thinks the true rate should be in the region of 1.25 should bite the hand off anyone who offers him 1.40 or better. Yet I didn’t want to do it; I just couldn’t bring myself to sell my shiny £1 coins in exchange for what looks like a bunch of supermarket trolley tokens. Immediate apologies to ‘le Tresorie’ at this point. I suspect that part of me is being a bit greedy looking for a Euro collapse, but would that necessarily persuade me? Potentially not. The weaker a currency becomes, the less inclined I might be to buy it. In essence, I think I’m more likely to buy Euros at 1.40 when the rate is on its way down than when it’s on the way up. I did tell you that I used to be a foreign exchange dealer; funny bunch they are.
The other hot topic at the moment is of course pensions. I know that there is a risk that you might be getting fed up of hearing this, but I am largely opposed to the ‘pension freedom’ that is just around the corner for the UK pension market. I am opposed to virtually all kinds of tax grabs, and I see this as just another example, albeit dressed up as a fabulous opportunity for the over 55’s Or maybe that opportunity is for anyone who can take advantage of the over 55’s, including conmen, salesmen, and taxmen.
For me, the writing is on the wall regarding UK based pensions. They are ‘in play’. Shedding all access restrictions is designed to provide a huge tax income boost for the UK coffers. If it doesn’t work, they will look for another way to get their hands on our savings. Even if it does work there will come a time when more cash is needed to bale out the UK economy. Pensions will then come under more fire, and more ways will be found to raid the coffers.
I will not be a part of either process. My pension funds are safely housed away from the UK jurisdiction. They will be used as pension funds should be used; to provide an income when I retire, whenever that might be. Hopefully that won’t be any time too soon as I’m enjoying myself too much to stop, but when the time comes I won’t be relying on a UK state pension alone. That would not be an attractive proposition.
QROPS is an extremely welcome result of the European freedom of movement of capital. We should all grasp the concept and use it to ring-fence our future incomes.
UK Pension Reforms
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 30th March 2015

With just a few days to go until the ‘over 55s’ can flexibly access their UK defined contribution pension pots, the explosion of information already available via the internet looks to me as if this is in danger of turning into ‘information overload’.
Now of course, this is just my opinion – and please don’t misunderstand my feelings about this – because I am in total favour of people having free access to accurate information, providing that it is understandable and definitely not misleading. However, my concern comes from the volume of information that is being made available, almost in an attempt to condense the multiple choices that people will have into a sort of ‘Dummy’s Guide to Flexibility & Choice in Pensions’.
In February, “Pension Wise” was launched and this is the “free and impartial government service that helps you understand your new pension options”, that the government promised us. My first impression from the opening page of the website was favourable – a good clear design with a simple list of six steps to help us understand how to turn our pension pots into income for our retirement.
The first step seemed simple enough – “check the value of your pension pot” – nothing contentious there. It told me that I could combine multiple pension pots into one, by transferring my pension and so I clicked on that link. Whoops, now I’m out of the Pension Wise website and I’m in the Gov.UK website, which provides me with links to such things as “deferred annuity contract”, “unauthorised payment” and “fixed or enhanced protection”. Already confused? OK fine, so let me get back to Pension Wise …..
Step number 2 is all about understanding what we can do with our pension pots. Good, I thought, until I clicked through to the page and this was the first taste of ‘information overload.
There were lots of links to things that are pretty important and these took me through to “Gov.UK”,” FSCS” and the “FCA” and actually out of the Pension Wise website. There was also a link to the Money Advisory Service, so that I could compare annuities, but it didn’t like my French postcode, so that was a dead end. Being curious though, I entered my old UK postcode and proceeded through the 6-page questionnaire, including having to answer detailed lifestyle and health questions, only to find at the end that it could not retrieve my quotes!
In fact, every one of the six step pages had links that took me into other websites and for me, that’s where Pension Wise failed. In what is clearly a brave effort to try to provide comprehensive guidance (which amazingly, even includes how to calculate the UK income tax on the retirement income), I think this has the potential for disaster. There is simply too much and by the time you get through one lot of information, you have forgotten how you got there and on which part of the website you found other information that might be useful.
According to its website, “Pension Wise won’t recommend any products or tell you what to do with your money”. Hmm, I wonder what the annuity quotes would have looked like, but there again, these would have been through the Money Advisory Service and so I guess that’s how Pension Wise gets around that one!
They also say …. “We explain how to avoid pension scams and the importance of taking your time to make sure your money lasts as long as you do”. Good, I’m all for these things, but do they really mean what they say and don’t they see any risk that people might just outlive their flexibly accessed pension pot?
Even more alarming, is some of the information being produced by other companies. For example, one company writes in its literature on defined contribution pensions after April 2015: “….. You will be able to take out as much as what’s there as you want, when you want. So it’s going to feel a bit like a bank account ….” Another company writes: “…… There will no longer be an annual limit on how much you can draw and you will be able to use your pension fund like a bank account”…….
OK, maybe I’m taking these comments out of context but nevertheless, bank accounts are short-term financial products and pensions are long-term and it’s dangerous to mix the purpose of the two.
Guidance is not a substitute for professional advice and when people are faced with such a range of choices, advice is needed more now than ever.
For anyone living outside of the UK, potentially the risks of making a ‘misinformed’ choice are increased. Even if you could find a UK adviser who would be prepared to provide advice to someone who is not resident in the UK, a UK adviser is highly unlikely to have the knowledge of local tax rules in the jurisdiction where you live. In France, it is not just income tax that we have to think about, there is also wealth tax and inheritance tax, both of which might become an issue if the pension pot is cashed-in and the monies are sitting in your bank account. Therefore, it is essential to obtain advice from an appropriately qualified adviser in the country where you live.
Pensions is one of the major subjects that we are covering in our client seminars this year. We are already taking bookings for Le Tour de Finance 2015 and more information can be found on our website at https://spectrum-ifa.com/seminars/. This is a perfect opportunity to come along and meet industry experts on a broad range of financial matters that are of interest to expatriates. The local events are taking place at:
- Perpignan – 19th May
- Bize-Minervois – 20th May
- Montagnac – 21st May
Le Tour de Finance is an increasingly popular event and early booking is recommended. So if you would like to attend one of these events, please contact me to reserve your places.
Whether or not you are able to come to one of our events, if you would like to have a confidential discussion about pensions, investments and/or inheritance planning, using tax-efficient solutions, please contact me using the form below.
Are you thinking of moving to France?
By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 10th March 2015

I am planning to move permanently to France but am not sure where to go for information on the differences in regulations regarding tax, inheritance and pensions between France and my current country of residence?
Whilst there are a number of forums and websites offering opinion and suggestions regarding the differences in French taxation from where you currently live, it is worth considering the following points before you make any decisions:
What experience does the person/site/forum have in this field?
- Ensuring that the information you want is accurate, relevant to the country you will be living in and free of any personal bias and opinion, is vital in enabling you to make the right choices going forward.
Is the information you will receive regulated in the country you will be living?
- Rules and regulations in the country you are leaving will most likely be different to France. Making sure the recommendations you receive are based on what is best for you as a French resident is very important.
Has the person providing you the information personal experience of your questions?
- It is always a comfort to speak to someone who has ‘walked the walk’ and not just a casual or second hand grasp of your questions. Personal experiences can often assist people getting used to new legislations and bureaucracy.
Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows, Le Tour de Finance or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.
Producing income from your investments
By Peter Brooke
This article is published on: 9th March 2015

Restructure your investments before you need the money. This gives you time to ride out any difficult market years before you retire or move ashore. Crises in stock markets always affect stocks in pre-retirement worse, so protect the value of your funds in the few years running up to taking an income, but keep one eye on inflation as this will reduce the buying power of the “pot” of money you’ve built up.
Consider the total value of your retirement assets — shares, pensions, funds, investment properties, cash and bonds — as one entity. Then ask yourself, “If I had all of this as cash today, what assets would I buy to give me the income I need?” This question helps you reassess all your assets and bypass any loyalty to a certain asset type, such as property. If Dave bought an apartment nine years ago for €180,000, rented it out and paid off the mortgage, and the apartment is now worth €280,000 with rent at €1,000 per month, after management
charges, this works out as a 3.8 percent yield. Dave may do better using the money from the property elsewhere, perhaps by reinvesting in bonds.
Once the income starts, look at each asset class in terms of income stream and cash flow rather than capital appreciation. It’s important to try and grow the “pot” to beat inflation, but
the income is paramount. Yields on equities today are outstripping most government bonds; the capital may fluctuate but the income will remain. To draw an income of €3,500 per month, you need an asset pot of approximately €900,000. With €42,000 per year, a proportion of the cash can be put in longer term assets (property, equities, etc.) to help grow and replace the funds you withdraw.
Many yacht crew have a large proportion of their assets inside insurance bonds, as they offer tax-advantageous growth and income. However, some don’t offer a way to take a “natural income,” as the funds are all accumulating-type funds. The income that you draw down by cashing in fund units affects the underlying balance and needs to be rebalanced with a steady internal income stream.
Looking forward to your pension
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 21st January 2015
Welcome to 2015. Let’s all hope for a prosperous and, maybe optimistically, safe year to come. This is my 60th year on the planet, and the cracks are starting to show. Many thanks indeed to the many well-wishers who sent me messages of goodwill following my hip replacement in December. They were much appreciated. I am up and about again now and, whilst I may leave it a few more weeks before I resume training for the triple-jump, it is good to be able to get around freely. Bear with me, I will get to the financial stuff soon.
With the physical recovery going well, my mental state did take a knock however on an early foray back into the big wide world. Congratulating myself on being able to get around with only one crutch, I decided to take myself off to my local Bricomarché to buy some light fittings. With only one checkout open, I resigned myself to a long wait at the back of the queue. I suddenly realised that the people in front of me were moving aside, and I was being beckoned to the front by the cashier. How utterly charming and, yet, completely crushing. When I protested, I was told that this was normal treatment for ‘handicapped’ people. I was appalled. Not that a DIY chain should treat its clients this way, but at the fact that they should regard me as a ‘client in need’. It was like peering into my dotage. How many years before I will have a long grey beard, waving a walking stick, being pushed in a wheelchair?
Looking back on that day recently, it struck me that there is probably a link with my recent focus on old age and pensions. I know I’ve said before that the older you get, the more interesting pensions become, but I really think that it is true. What is worrying me now is the growing list of younger people who are getting very interested in our pensions, for all the wrong reasons. The younger crowd I’m referring to are politicians who are gleefully rubbing their hands and salivating over our pension assets. There seems to be no political argument over the new pension reforms due in April that are to sweep away all forms of prudent financial planning for old age. They’ve all got their eyes glued on the same pot.
Please allow me to get slightly technical for a moment and explain GAD to you. The initials stand for Government Actuarial Department. Actuaries are very clever people, mathematicians basically, who walk around wired into computers. One of their jobs used to be to come up with a formula that worked out how much you could draw from your personal pension per year without reducing your pension pot too quickly. In short, they were there to make sure that your pension outlived you. 100% GAD meant the maximum you could safely draw from your pension.
Then the politicians started to get interested. Wouldn’t it be a good idea if we let the old fogeys have more of their pensions to spend? That way we can boost the economy for the rest of us and we can tax them as they do it. It won’t be a problem because they’ll probably still die before the pension runs out! Let’s try 120% GAD and see how we get on? Well, OK, it helped a bit but we still need more capital spending. Let’s see how we get on with 150% GAD? The next logical step is of course about to take place in April. Forget GAD! You can have the lot. Use your pension as a bank account. Treat yourself to something special. A yacht? Ferrari? The world is your lobster.
This is, in my view, tantamount to criminal recklessness. You and I may be completely confident in our ability to run our own finances, and I trust that that is in fact the case, but who is going to protect the vulnerable amongst the older generations? Who is going to protect pensioners from double glazing salesmen; roofing contractors; cowboy builders; money grabbing children looking for early access to their supposed inheritances?
And then there are the annuities. These are financial instruments that you used to have to buy with your pension funds. These gave you a guaranteed income for life. You are no longer obliged to buy an annuity with your pension fund. I do agree with this. The fall in long term interest rates meant that annuity rates fell quite dramatically over the years, and the income you bought became less and less. I suppose then it should come as no surprise when we hear that pensioners are to be allowed to sell their annuities, and receive lump sums instead. More money to spend! More tax to pay! In twenty years’ time this could turn into a monumental national scandal, but by that time our current batch of politicians will be retired, enjoying their protected pensions.
My own personal pensions are now safely housed well away from further potential meddling. I will not be drawing out huge (I wish) sums to finance cars or cruises, and barring worldwide financial calamities there will be enough money to see me out. If I do last another 15 years, whatever is left will also go to my chosen beneficiaries without any tax deducted. Did I mention the 45% tax that will be payable in the UK?
UK Pensions Reform Overview
By David Odonoghue
This article is published on: 31st December 2014
This year brings about major changes in UK pension rules. Under the reform of ‘Freedom and Choice in Pensions’, people will be provided with more choice about how and when they can take their benefits from certain types of pension arrangements.
Following proposals first made in March last year, subsequent consultation resulted in the Pensions Taxation Bill being published in August, with further amendments being made in October. Additionally, some provisions were clarified in last month’s UK Autumn Budget Statement. Therefore, subject to there not being any further changes before the eventual enactment of the legislation, we can be reasonably certain of the new rules.
To understand the reform, you need to understand the two main different types of pensions. The first is the defined benefit pension (DBP), where your employer basically promises to pay you a certain amount of pension, which is calculated by reference to your service and your earnings. DBPs are a rare breed now, as employers have found this type of arrangement too costly to maintain. This is because the liability for financing the scheme falls upon the employer (after anything that the individual is required to contribute) and if there is any shortfall in assets to meet the liabilities – perhaps because of poor investment returns – the employer must put more money into the scheme.
The second type of pension is what is known as a money purchase plan (MPP). You put money into an MPP, perhaps your employer does/did also, as well as the government in the form of tax rebates and in the past, national insurance contribution rebates. Maybe your ‘MPP’ was not through an employer at all and you just set up something directly yourself with an insurance company. They are several different types of MPP arrangements, but they all result in the same basic outcome, i.e. the amount of the pension that you get depends on the value of your ‘pension pot’ at retirement and so the investment risk rests with you. There is no promise from anyone and therefore, no certainty of what you might receive.
The proposed reform is all about the MPP, although there is nothing to stop a person from transferring their private DBP to a MPP, if they have left the service of the former employer.
The majority of the changes will be effective from 6th April 2015 and these will apply to ‘money purchase’ pension arrangements only. Therefore, people with deferred pension benefits in funded defined benefit plans, who wish to avail themselves of the changes, must first of all transfer their benefits to a money purchase scheme. Members of unfunded public sector pension schemes will not be allowed to have such a transfer.
Under the new rules, people will be able to take all of their ‘pension pot’ as a one-off lump sum or as several separate lump sum payments. For UK resident taxpayers, 25% of each amount will be paid tax-free and the balance will be subject to income tax at the marginal rate (the highest tax rate being 45%).
Alternatively, it will be possible to take 25% of the total fund as a cash payment (again, tax-free for UK residents) and then draw an income from the remaining fund (taxed at marginal rate). The commencement of income withdrawal can be deferred for as long as the person wishes. Furthermore, there will be no minimum or maximum amount imposed on the amount that can be withdrawn in any year.
The Annual Allowance, which is the amount of tax-relieved pension contributions that can be paid into a pension fund, is currently £40,000 per annum. For anyone who flexibly accesses their pension funds in one of the above ways, the Annual Allowance will be reduced to £10,000 for further amounts contributed to a money purchase arrangement.
However, the full Annual Allowance of up to £40,000 (depending upon the value of new money purchase pension savings) will be retained for further defined benefit pension savings.
The ‘small pots’ rules will still apply for pension pots valued at less than £10,000. People will be allowed to take up to three small pots from non-occupational schemes and there is no limit of the number of small pot lump sums that may be paid from occupational schemes. 25% of the pot will be tax-free for a UK resident. Accessing small pension pots will not affect the Annual Allowance applicable to other pension savings.
The required minimum pension age from which people can start to draw upon their pension funds will be set as age 55, in all circumstances (except in cases of ill-health, when it may be possible to access the funds earlier). However, this will progressively change to age 57 from 2028; subsequently, it will be set as 10 years below the State Pension Age.
The widely reported removal of the 55% ‘Death Tax’ on UK pension funds has been clarified. Thus, whether or not any retirement benefits have already been paid from the money purchase fund (including any tax-free lump sum), the following will apply from 6th April 2015:
- In the event of the pension member’s death before age 75, the remaining pension fund will pass to any nominated beneficiary and the beneficiary will not have any UK tax liability; this is whether the fund is taken as a single lump sum or accessed as income drawdown; or
- If the pension member is over age 75 at death, the beneficiary will be taxed at their marginal rate of income tax on any income drawn from the fund, or at the rate of 45% if the whole of the fund is taken as a lump sum. From April 2016, lump sum payments will be taxed at a beneficiary’s marginal tax rate.
There will be more flexibility for annuities purchased after 6th April 2015. For example it will be possible to have an annuity that decreases, which could be beneficial to bridge an income gap, perhaps before State pension benefits begin. In addition, there will no longer be a limit on the guarantee period, which is currently set at a maximum of 10 years.
French residents can take advantage of the new flexibility and providing that you are registered in the French income tax system, it is possible to claim exemption from UK tax under the terms of the Double Taxation Treaty between the UK and France. However, there are French tax implications to be considered, as follows:
- you will be liable to French income tax on the payments received, although in certain strict conditions, it may be possible for any lump sum benefits to be taxed at a fixed prélèvement rate;
- if France is responsible for the cost of your French health cover, you will also be liable for social charges (CSG & CDRS) of 7.1% on the amounts received;
- the former pension assets will become part of your estate for French inheritance purposes, as well as becoming potentially liable for wealth tax (i.e. if your net taxable assets exceed the wealth tax entry level).
Therefore, as a French resident, it is essential to seek independent financial advice from a professional who is well versed in both the UK pension rules and the French tax rules before taking any action. Such advice should also include examining whether or not a transfer of your pension benefits to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) could be in your best interest.
Note, that for those expats who already have transferred pensions to a QROPS or are thinking of doing so? the Pension Taxation Bill makes provision for the proposed UK pension reform to follow through to such schemes.
However, a complication exisits, due to the fact that the separate UK QROPS Regulations do not necessarily allow people to fully cash in their pesion funds in all circumstances.
The Pensions Taxation Bill does already make some provision for the proposed UK pension reform to follow through to Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS). However, a complication exists, due to the fact that the separate UK QROPS Regulations do not necessarily allow people to fully cash in their pension funds, in all circumstances.
Therefore, before the new flexible rules could apply to QROPS, the UK Regulations must be amended and it is understood that there is on-going work in this regard. Whether this work will be completed before 5th April 2015 is not known.
However, even if the UK does amend the QROPS Regulations, it will then fall to individual QROPS jurisdictions to make the necessary changes to their own internal pension law. For the well-regulated jurisdictions, it cannot be ruled out that their own Regulators may not agree entirely with the UK’s ideas of flexibility! In effect, there could be a preference to ensure that pension funds are used only for the purpose of providing retirement income for life, with the possibility of income continuing to a member’s dependants.
In any event, the taxation outcome of someone fully cashing-in their pension fund (whether whilst still in a UK pension arrangement or if later allowed, from a QROPS) is likely to be a sufficient practical deterrent for anyone actually wanting to do this. Therefore, for someone who has left the UK, a QROPS should continue to be a viable alternative to retaining UK pension benefits, particularly since the advantages of a QROPS have not changed. However, everyone’s situation is unique and this is why seeking advice from a competent professional is essential.