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Viewing posts categorised under: Portugal

How do I know if I am Portuguese tax resident?

By Mark Quinn
This article is published on: 8th December 2021


A lot of confusion occurs in this area – people often mistakenly believe they have to be in Portugal for at least 183 days to be considered tax resident here, but that is not strictly the case.

The rules state that you are Portuguese tax resident if:

  • you spend more than 183 days in Portugal in any 12-month period (these days do not have to be consecutive)
  • if your habitual/permanent residence is in Portugal i.e. your ‘home’ (there is no minimum day count for this criterion)

Generally a tax payer is Portuguese resident from the ‘first day’ or day of arrival.

If you move to Portugal mid-way through the year, Portugal allows for ‘split-year’ tax treatment. This means that you will only be liable to tax in Portugal from the time you become resident there i.e. the date you permanently move to Portugal up to 31st December. The same principle applies for those who choose to permanently leave Portugal.

This can provide advantageous tax and financial planning opportunities and that is why it is best to seek advice and start planning early. We have separate guides on visas in Portugal and residency that explain the process of becoming resident in more detail.

If you move to Portugal mid-way through the year, Portugal allows for ‘split-year’ tax treatment. This means that you will only be liable to tax in Portugal from the time you are resident there i.e. the date you move permanently move to Portugal up to 31st December. The same principle applies for those who choose to permanently leave Portugal.

This can provide advantageous tax and financial planning opportunities and that is why it is best to seek advice and start planning early.

I’m an Expat in Portugal – where do I pay tax?

By Mark Quinn
This article is published on: 6th December 2021


Many clients I have helped have been paying tax in the wrong country, often because of incorrect advice received in the past, or just because they were not aware of the rules.

It is critical to establish your tax residency position to avoid complications and possible penalties in future. I discuss these issues in this post and my next post later this week, with the latter focusing specifically on Portuguese tax residency.

If you are a Portuguese tax resident you are required to declare, and pay tax on, your worldwide income and gains in Portugal. If you are non-resident, then you are only liable to pay tax in Portugal on Portuguese source income.

If you have assets and/or income in more than one country, you will always have a “controlling tax authority” (CTA). This is not based on where most of your assets are located, where income is earned, ‘where you have always paid tax’ or where you ‘choose to declare tax’. Your CTA is normally the jurisdiction where you spend most time in that given tax year i.e. where you are tax resident.

Having said this, you may have to pay tax in more than one country. For example, if you are permanently living in Portugal and you have rental income generated in the UK, you will have to pay tax on that rental income in the UK first. However, as Portugal is your country of tax residence, you will also have to report the income in Portugal and potentially pay tax. Similarly, if you own and run a UK business, you may have to declare and pay tax and social security in Portugal instead of the UK if you are resident in Portugal.

Paying tax in the wrong country may not only result in heavy penalties but could also mean that you are paying more tax than you should and may affect any state pension, healthcare or social security rights you have.

There are rules in place between most countries to avoid tax being paid twice (double taxation agreements) but generally the highest rate of tax will always remain payable.

How is my pension taxed in Portugal?

By Mark Quinn
This article is published on: 30th November 2021


Should I review my pensions if I live in Portugal?

Pensions are somewhat a confusing area in Portugal and the tax system does not easily accommodate the many different types of pensions individuals may have. We have seen many professionals report pensions in different ways, depending on their interpretation or understanding of the pension in question.

As there are many types of pension schemes and ways of funding them, maybe with overseas or UK elements, this area can be quite tricky to navigate and it is best to seek advice from a professional with a proper understanding of the details.

Speaking generally, for those with NHR, UK pension income is taxed at a flat rate of 10% in Portugal, unless you successfully applied for NHR before April 2020, in which case it is free of tax.

For normal residents, pension income is generally taxed at scale rates. There are some exceptions to this for example, annuities or certain pensions that are treated as long-term savings.

UK pensions are usually taxed at source but in most cases, you can ask your pension provider to make payments out to you gross; this avoids you having to reclaim the tax paid at source from HMRC. You will need to inform your pension administrator that you are no longer UK resident and obtain an ‘NT’ tax code.

The UK State Pension is taxable in Portugal and you can also ask for this to be paid out to you gross.

UK government service pensions are always taxable in the UK e.g. civil service, armed forces. Portugal does not tax these pensions or include them as income for reporting and tax purposes.

Taking your ‘tax free cash’

An important point in relation to the taxation of pensions is with regard to the pension commencement lump sum (PCLS) and withdrawals under “pension freedoms” arrangements.

In the UK, it is possible to take a lump sum of up to 25% of the value of your defined contribution (e.g. a personal pension or SIPP) pension pot tax free. A tax-free amount is also available from a defined benefit scheme (final salary scheme) pension although this uses a different calculation method. Please note, these PCLS amounts are not tax free in Portugal. As a general planning point, we would therefore suggest utilising any PCLS entitlement prior to becoming Portuguese tax resident. However, your personal circumstances will dictate the best course of action.

We recommend that your pensions are reviewed regularly and at least on an annual basis.

This is a highly regulated and complex area that should only by undertaken by suitably qualified professionals.

If you would like to discuss your pension, are concerned about charges or performance, or would like to know if moving or adjusting your pension is the right thing for you, please contact us.

Non-Habitual Residency in Portugal

By Mark Quinn
This article is published on: 29th November 2021


What is Non-Habitual Residency (NHR)
and can I apply?

The Non-Habitual Residence (NHR) scheme is a 10 year beneficial scheme of taxation introduced to encourage individuals to come to live and work in Portugal.

Provided certain conditions are met, the primary scheme benefits are:

  • a 10% flat rate on non-Portuguese sourced pension income. Some forms of UK pension income, generally government service pensions, will always be taxed in the UK
  • tax free interest and investment income generated outside of Portugal
  • tax free capital gains generated outside of Portugal
  • 20% flat rate tax on earned income (self-employed or employed) for those with a qualifying profession. There is a prescribed list of qualifying professions

To meet the eligibility requirements, you:

  • must not have been tax resident in Portugal in the last 5 years
  • must have a permanent residence in Portugal. This residence can either be rented or owned

Applications for NHR must be submitted by the 31st March following your permanent arrival in Portugal.

If you are moving to Portugal, planning early is the key to favourably positioning yourself and obtaining NHR is highly advantageous as the tax savings can be very significant.

Having said this, whilst in the vast majority of cases NHR is beneficial, we have come across instances where NHR would have actually increased a clients’ tax liability.

Seeking advice is crucial and we welcome you to contact us.