Residency rights in Brexit negotiations examined
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 19th January 2017

Yesterday on 18th January The Exiting the European Union Committee met in the ‘Boothroyd Room’, Portcullis House, London. The committee looks at the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and UK nationals living in EU member states as part of the negotiations for exiting the EU.
Witnesses in attendance included Gareth Horsfall from The Spectrum IFA Group, representing Expats living in Italy.
The Purpose of the session
The questioning focuses on the terms of reference for the inquiry, in addition to:
The concerns of EU citizens currently living in the UK, and UK nationals currently living in the EU
What approach the UK Government should take in the negotiations to safeguard the rights of both EU nationals in the UK and UK nationals resident in the EU
The process for identifying and clarifying the status of EU nationals in the UK
Witnesses in attendance
- Nicolas Hatton, Founding Co-chair, the3million
- Anne-Laure Donskoy, Co-chair, the 3million
- Barbara Drozdowicz, Chief Executive Officer, East European Resource Centre
- Florina Tudose, Information and Outreach Coordinator, East European Resource Centre
- Debbie Williams, British citizen resident of Belgium
- Gareth Horsfall, British citizen resident of Italy (The Spectrum IFA Group)
- Sue Wilson, British citizen resident of Spain
- Christopher Chantrey, British citizen resident of France
The session was broadcast on Wednesday 18 January 2017, from the Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House.
The recording can be viewed here
A full commentary from the session can be viewed on the Guardian Newspapers website here