Name: | David Hattersley | |
Phone: | Calls from UK – VOIP 0207 0787 368 | |
Mobile: | +34 711 051 938 | |
E-mail: | david.hattersley@spectrum-ifa.com | |
Office address: | Avda del Pla 126, Centro Comercial 2.07, Javea 03730, Alicante, Spain | |
Qualifications: | Cert PFS | |
Expat since: | 2001 | |
Specialist areas: | Pensions (including QROPS), Investment Planning, Strategic Financial Planning. | |
Family: | 2 dogs, Missy & Bowie both adopted from the dog rescue charity APASA | |
Hobbies: | Football, ex Spurs season ticket holder (would love to see El Classico), music ie Opera to Pink Floyd, photography, travel and those lazy Sundays with friends over for a barbecue, or walking the dogs stopping off at a bar for refreshment. |
David has spent in excess of 36 years in the industry working and trained in the UK by Allied Zurich and then St. James’s Place Wealth Management before joining The Spectrum IFA Group some years ago. This has lead to a wealth of experience in the areas of Pension Planning, QROP’s, Taxation, Investment and Financial Planning. Throughout his career, David has dealt with a wide range of clients in the City of London, directors of companies, the self employed, through to those that have since retired. This has lead to a loyal and very diverse client base throughout Europe and he has a great understanding that each client has individual needs that are very specific. He also enjoys providing a continued service as he fully understands that a client’s needs change throughout their lives. He enjoys carrying on a role that he feels is a vocation, as well as being thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding.