Tax season is drawing to a close. However this year there is still something you need to make sure you have done before you can get out there and enjoy the summer weather.
Financial update June 2023
By Katriona Murray-Platon
This article is published on: 19th June 2023
You may still need to do the property declaration that I mentioned in my February edition. The declaration service has been available for several months now and so enough time has passed to be able to address some of the issues that have arisen.
Just as a reminder, if you own a property, and therefore pay taxe foncière, you have to declare the buildings on the land you own if they existed on 1st January. Because the Taxe d’habitation has been scrapped for main residences the French authorities want to find out which buildings are occupied and rented (even if just for holidays) which will allow them to more accurately establish the taxe d’habitation on second homes this autumn.
You must declare anyone who is occupying a property which belongs to you, even if it is a family member living there for free. However if you are only renting a room in your house, you do not need to declare this separately.

If the ownership of the property is divided between the bare owners (nu proprietaries) and the beneficiaries (usufruitiers) it is the latter who should declare the property on their online tax account.
You may have noticed that any outhouses, sheds and garages also appear on the declaration. If these have been converted to be rented or are simply let as parking spaces, they still need to be declared. A garage that is less than 1km from the main house is considered as adjacent to the property and therefore may be included in the surface area calculation for the taxe d’habitation.
The declaration can only be done online. If you do not have access to the internet (or know someone who doesn’t) or if you or they are really having problems completing this form online, you can call the tax office on the number below or make an appointment with your local tax office and they can assist you. Some post offices also have someone there who can help you with administrative matters.
If you have any problems with the declaration you can call the tax office on 0809 401401 or use the messenger service and the drop down menu to select the problem.
If you have an elderly resident who has gone into a home but has kept their former home and it is rented, they still need to declare it. There is an exemption from taxe d’habitation for residents of retirement homes (Ehpads).
If you rent a property you have to declare what kind of rental it is (long term or holiday let) and the identity of your tenants but you don’t need to declare the actual rent received just yet, this will only become mandatory in 2025.
You have until the end of June to complete this declaration so do take your time to make sure that the information is correct.
As always if you have any questions on this or any other matters please do get in touch!