Tax season is pretty much over for another year, and by the time of publication most of the deadlines for filing will have passed. However, if you have an accountant who does your tax return they will usually be given extra time to file the returns. If you submitted your own return but have questions about whether you did it right and would like to speak to an accountant about it, you should try to speak to them late June, early July or early September to submit an amended return.
Financial update June 2024 – France
By Katriona Murray-Platon
This article is published on: 5th June 2024
May is always a busy month for me, not least because of all the tax enquiries. However I also found time to write an article on French pensions. If you haven’t seen it already you can find the link here ( If you have any questions on this article or your French pensions in general please do let me know
People often ask me whether they have to send in documents with their tax return or whether they are likely to get asked about what they have entered. The fact of the matter is that very often the tax office only really focuses on the tax returns of the very high earners (income tax, wealth tax, inheritances etc…). The French tax office generally go after the biggest fish, notably those with an income of over €1million per annum or gross assets that are subject to wealth tax of more than €6.9 million. However if you do start to do a wealth tax return you may find that your local tax inspector will take more of an interest on this one.
In 2020 there were a lot of people who, after many years of holidaying in France and owning a property here, decided to be considered resident in France before the Brexit deadline of 31st December. For wealth tax purposes you are exempt from declaring your worldwide assets for the first five calendar years of your residency. Unfortunately, even if you arrived late in 2020, this would still be considered your first calendar year. This means that as from 2025, if your world wide assets are worth more than €1.3million as on 1st January 2025, you will have to do a wealth tax return next year. You only have to declare your property assets, irrespective of where they are in the world. If you have money in investments or assurance vies, these are not included in your wealth tax return.

At this time last year, after having completed our tax returns, we still had to do the property declaration. This was an online declaration. Now, almost a year later, the tax authorities have produced a paper format of the declaration. You can download the paper form here or some tax offices may have copies available if you cannot print it yourself.
Every year I get a lot of people contacting me about Trusts. Many years ago I wrote an article on Trusts which you can find on our website ( I have not updated the article because the law has not changed a great deal on this subject and much of the information is the same. If you are the trustee, settlor of beneficiary of a trust and you are resident in France you have to declare the existence of the trust using the form Trust 1 ( every year you have to declare the value of the Trust as at 1st January of each year using the Trust 2 form (
The deadline for filing the annual value declaration, which must be sent to the Non-Residents tax office, is 15th June.

Finally, for those with Pru assurance vies or those thinking of investing in a Pru Assurance Vie, on Tuesday 28th May 2024 the Prudential Assurance Company (PAC) board reviewed the Prufund Expected Growth Rates (EGR) as part of the quarterly review process. The Expected Growth Rate (EGR) is the forward looking element of the Prufund smoothing process.
For this quarter the EGRs of the Prufunds in our assurance vie products remained unchanged. The Unit Price Adjustment (UPA) part of the smoothing process, which is a backward looking element, and which is formulaic and non-discretionary are also reviewed quarterly. This quarter there was an upward UPA for the Prufund Growth USD fund of +2.71%.
If you have any questions on any of the matters mentioned above please do get in touch. I would be happy to arrange a phone call, video meeting or in person meeting to answer your questions or review your financial situation.