Brexit removed the previous rules pertaining to “Freedom of movement, goods and services within the EU”. Those who now wish to move to Spain from the UK, making it their home as retirees or working here, newer and tougher rules apply.
Distance working has added a new dynamic, in particular for those in the technology sector who see that this is as an opportunity to work and live in a nicer environment. Speaking to a qualified financial adviser who is regulated here,in Spain is sometimes an afterthought . However, talking to an adviser before you embark on the journey can help avoid some of the issues which expatriates can find themselves encountering. Financial planning is complex, whichever new country one moves to, so a brief summary can help prepare for the future “devil in the detail” elements. Forewarned is forearmed and helps avoid basic pitfalls.
It makes sense to “disinvest” all UK held assets prior to becoming Spanish Tax resident. Timing and deferral is the key to planning a strategy. Note that due to Brexit, UK advisers are no longer allowed to offer continuity of advice Spain for those that become tax resident in Spain.
There are a number of rules regarding Spanish tax residence, which are briefly detailed below. You will be deemed tax resident in Spain in any one of the following cases:
1. Number days in Spain not to exceed 183 days and may include time spent in any EU member country,
2. Centre of Economic interest i.e. source of earnings is in Spain,
3. Spouse and minor children living in Spain.