Tel: +34 93 665 8596 |

Jett Parker-Holland
Name: Jett Parker-Holland
Mobile: +34 677 124364
Office address: Oficina 1A, Planta 1, Av Marques Del Duero, No 55
San Pedro Alcantara-Malaga, 29670, Spain
Expat since: 2022
Specialist areas: Investments, Pensions, Tax Planning
Hobbies: Flying, Scuba diving, Travelling

Jett Parker-Holland is a financial professional specialising in assisting English-speaking ex-patriates with their financial needs in Southern Spain. Formerly an Investment Manager at one of the UK’s largest wealth management firms, Jett was extensively involved with savings and investments, pensions, and the strategic structuring of clients’ finances to maximise tax efficiency.

With a robust background in finance and venture capital, Jett brings a wealth of knowledge and a strategic approach to investment management. Jett is also recognised as a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment. He holds a master’s degree in Investments with distinction and a bachelor’s degree in business & mathematics from Aston University, underscoring his deep analytical skills and solid academic foundation.

Now residing in Southern Spain, Jett is dedicated to assisting ex-patriates with their financial needs. His comprehensive services include guidance on investments, taxation, and pension management, specifically tailored for those adapting to life in Spain. His expertise and local knowledge make him a trusted advisor for ex-patriates seeking to navigate the complexities of managing their finances abroad.