Tel: +34 93 665 8596 |


Client Reviews for Jonathan Goodman

I decided to invest some money through Spectrum after several meetings with Jonathan Goodman, one of their financers, who I found to be of great help, patient & extremely professional. He helped me with all the tedious paperwork and was always there for any doubts or queries I had.
Highly recommendable.

David A,

I have had the pleasure of working with Jonathan for nearly 30 years, and together we have navigated many ups and downs in the financial markets. Jonathan consistently offers well-balanced advice and steadfast support during challenging times. His guidance is always backed by solid documentation and thorough analysis. Jonathan is truly a valuable ally to have on your side.

Kevin Ellis,

On Jonathan Goodman’s advice some nine years ago I took out a Prudential International Bond which I recently cashed in. It proved to be a very sound investment. Jonathan’s service over the years has always been prompt, efficient, reliable and friendly. He is a thoroughly trustworthy and well-informed Financial Adviser and I would unhesitatingly recommend him to others.

David R,

Jonathan Goodman has been my financial advisor for many years and I have great trust in his judgement and have always found him to be absolutely reliable, efficient and always willing to help in any way he can. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is a deeply honorable man.


Thanks for the swift response. Jonathan has been a fantastic support & advisor re our plans & we are eternally grateful for this. The information re these issues on the Internet is misleading hence the concerns with the questions we raise


I have dealt with The Spectrum IFA Group for the past 8 years and have always been given sound honest advice which I can understand in layman’s language, not financial jargon. So when I need advice on investments and financial planning that is where I go


Jonathan Goodman and I trained together to be Independent Financial Advisers. After my retirement and 19 years later, I still trust Jonathan to advise me on my investments in the knowledge that his advice is independent, well researched and given with my best interest at heart.

From personal experience I know that sound financial advice is something we all need to engage with, in order to achieve our individual financial goals.

In my opinion The Spectrum IFA Group are advisers in whom we may place our trust and in Jonathan there is no better consultant to review my financial situation and to give me best advice to meet my objectives.


Jonathan has always been a reliable and totally trustworthy advisor to me. He has always understood my own specific requirements and offered me the best options to fullfill them.

He recognises my personal obtuseness, financially speaking, and patiently and charmingly explains the possibilities to me. It is simply a pleasure to meet with him and know that he has my best interests at heart


Nice guy? Cool dude? (Maybe)
Diamond geezer? Decent chap? (Perhaps)
Responsible individual? Generous bloke? (Probably)
Let’s just settle for Good Man
