By Gareth Horsfall
This article is published on: 13th September 2013
Following the success of Le Tour de Finance in France, The Spectrum IFA Group, in collaboration with Currencies Direct, is proud to announce that Le Tour de Finance for expats will be arriving in Italy. On the 26th and 27th September 2013 Le Tour de Finance will be making its first appearances at the Circolo dei Forestieri, Bagni di Lucca and Ristorante Pomerancio, Umbertide, respectively. Le Tour de Finance brings professional experts in expat finance, in Italy, closer to you.
The following professionals will be speaking on the day:
- Currencies Direct
Talking about how to save money on currency transfers and making the transfer process easier.
- Studio Gaizo Picchioni, Cross border specialist commercialisti, Judith Ruddock
Discussing the latest changes in tax reporting and how it may affect you, and how to ensure that as a resident in Italy, you are ‘IN REGOLA’.
- The Spectrum IFA Group, Italy: Gareth Horsfall and Michael Lodhi (Group Chairman)
Why financial planning for expats in Italy is important to avoid pitfalls and traps that you may not otherwise know about, or see.
- QROPS. How UK pension holders can benefit from transferring their fund to a recognised overseas pension scheme.
- Studio Legale Metta, Nick Metta
The legal and administrative issues faced when making an Italian or foreign will, for an Italian property and foreign owned assets.
- Jupiter Asset Management, Rob Walker
Talking about the state of the world financial markets, economies and current government policies, how this may affect us all in the near future and how we can protect ourselves from the negative impacts of these decisions.
The events will commence at 10.30 and finish at 14.00 with welcome caffe and snacks on arrival, followed by brief presentations, a FREE buffet lunch and then time to ask questions of the experts and meet other like minded individuals.
Register for this FREE event by sending an email to info@spectrum-ifa.com or calling +39 3336492356