Tel: +34 93 665 8596 |

Tony D
Name: Tony Delvalle
Phone: +33(0)5 47 77 07 16
Mobile: +33(0)6 89 02 84 74
Office address: 15 Rue De L’Engin,24500 Eymet, France
Expat since: 1998
Specialist areas: Financial Planning and Pensions
Family: Wife Amy and has 4 children

With over twenty years’ experience working in the provision of Financial Services, Tony has helped clients at all levels, from individuals working in or retiring in France, to clients with international business interests. Since relocating to Paris in 1998, Tony has built up a core of close professional colleagues such as International Tax Lawyers, English speaking Notaires, UK, French and International Accountants as well as International Banking Partners.

Tony and his American wife, Amy, who studied French Law at the Sorbonne in Paris, moved to Bergerac in the Dorgogne with their four children in 2009.