The Spectrum IFA Group was established in January 2003. Our financial planning advisers* demonstrate their long-term commitment to both their clients and the locality by residing permanently within the community in which they work. They have an understanding of expat life and the particular financial rules that apply in your country. Our advisers are qualified, experienced and regulated. Our financial planning team in our Barcelona office alone has over 83 years experience in financial services. In total we have over 50 financial advisers across Europe.
Our role is to create and provide solutions for expatriates and foreign residents by way of a broad range of products and services. These include currency exchange, bank accounts, tax efficient investments, QROPS, pensions, medical insurance and more. We also offer wealth management, where appropriate.

“We’ve got you covered”
We design solutions for clients, where possible, that are cross border. For example, someone working in Spain, who subsequently moves to the UK but then retires to France will be able to retain their financial planning in each of those countries.
The Spectrum IFA Group comprises a group of companies formed in a number of jurisdictions. Spectrum continues to grow its business and expand distribution into other Western European territories as and when the market opportunities and legal framework are in place.