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Viewing posts categorised under: France

Le Tour de Finance returns this autumn

By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 2nd September 2014

After a very successful string of events earlier in the year, Le Tour de Finance is back during October 2014.

These previous events were great success, with large numbers attending all the events with fact filled sessions followed by an opportunity for an informal questions and answers session over complimentary refreshments and a buffet.

The relaxed and open forums are a chance to expand your knowledge of personal finance as an expat resident in France. The panel of speakers are experts in their respective fields and are there to answer questions you may have about protecting and strengthening your personal financial situation while a resident in France.

The Spectrum IFA Group is an European leader in professional personal financial advice and will be covering subjects such as; QROPS, pensions, tax advice, investments and wealth management, healthcare, and mortgages.

Le Tour de Finance is an excellent and relaxed forum in which you can get those important questions answered, plus mingle in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere with other expat residents whilst enjoying a buffet lunch. The free sessions commence at 10.00 and will finish at 14.00.

  • Wednesday, 8th October – St Endréol, 83920, La Motte, the Var.
  • Thursday, 9th October – Chateau La Coste, 13610, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade.
  • Friday, 10th October – Domaine Gayda, 11300 Brugairolles.

To book your place please click here

Le Tour de Finance – “Bringing Experts to Expats”.


Do you know which country you are resident in?

By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 25th August 2014

In my travels I meet lots of people who claim not to know where they live.  This isn’t an age or an alcohol problem, and to be fair it would be better to describe them as not knowing where they reside, or are resident.  In many cases a few minutes explanation, or a paragraph in a report, does the trick.  There are a number of die-hards however who really don’t want to recognise the obvious.  And then sometimes it isn’t really all that obvious at all.

The problem is that the central argument is so convoluted that it is far too long to cover completely in this article, and of course we also need to look at what the French regard as the deciding factors in French residence.  So what I’m going to do here is dip into both pools and see if I can point you in the right direction, with the clear risk that I might confuse you completely.

The French side of the equation is quite easy to understand (if you want to, that is).
You are resident in France if:
a) Your home is in France, which includes where your main home is or where your family lives.
b) Your principal place of residence is in France. This applies if you spend more than 183 days in France per year.  Even if you spend less than 183 days per annum in France but have a permanent home available in France, you’re ‘in’.
c) Your business activities in France, whether salaried or otherwise, are managed from France unless you can show that this business activity is incidental to your main employment.
d) The centre of your economic interests is France, meaning that you have your main investments in France or they are managed from France or that you derive the majority of your income from French sources.

So many times I hear ‘but I have a UK address and no-one can tell how much time I spend in France’.  A dead give-away in anyone’s language that.  It’s nearly subtle, but really it’s the same as the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion, and it’s the wrong side of the coin.  In the modern days of passport scanning it is also plainly incorrect.  If you really want to ignore all of the points above and claim to be non French resident, you must really be claiming to be UK resident, mustn’t you?  So let’s look at how HMR&C have ‘clarified’ UK residence.  Please note we are ignoring UK domicile here, That’s another can of worms altogether.

Here’s what it takes to be a guaranteed UK resident. 
You need any of these factors:
a)  You spend 183 days or more in the UK.
b)  You have only one home and that is in the UK (or more than one home and all are in the UK).
c)  You work full time in the UK, ie, a continuous period of 9 months and at least 75% of your duties are carried out in the UK.

Now for most of the people I meet this presents a bit of a problem.  Ever helpful though, HMR&C do recognise that there can be people who qualify for UK residence that can’t claim any of the above, so to help them they have come up with a list of ‘connecting factors’.  I call them ‘back door passes’.

Connecting factors

  • If you have family in the UK – spouse/civil partner and/or minor children.
  • Whether there is available accommodation in the UK.
  • Substantive employment in the UK (40 or more days).
  • UK presence in previous years – if you have been UK resident for more than 90 days in either of the previous two UK tax years.
  • More time spent in the UK in the tax year than any other single country.

Pay attention here, – it’s getting complicated!  To be counted as UK resident, and therefore not French resident, you need to combine days spent in the UK with the connecting factors as shown below:

      Number of days that make you UK resident             
     Connecting Factors    
 16 – 45  4 factors
 46 – 90  3 factors
 91 – 120  2 factors
 121 – 182  1 factor
 183 or more  Always resident


There, easy isn’t it?  Alternatively of course, one could take one’s head out of the sand and go legal as a French resident…

If you have any questions on this, or any other subject, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

The Spectrum IFA Group advisers do not charge any fees for their time or for advice given, as can be seen from our Client Charter.

UK Pensions and Non-Residents

By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 18th August 2014

A couple of things have come out of the UK government’s office recently. Both are important, but for some expatriates, one of these is going to have a bigger impact than the other.

The first was the result of the consultation on the UK pension reform, which was published in July (and we can now expect a Pensions Bill in the Autumn). The outcome is that not much has changed from what had already been proposed, which you can read about in my previous article at

However, a couple of things have been fine-tuned. For example, the age from which you will be able to take your total pension pot as cash on the grounds of triviality will be possible from age 55, rather than the current age 60. Also for those who still prefer the security of a lifetime annuity, the rules will be changed to allow a longer guarantee period than 10 years but of course, this will reduce the amount of the annuity at start.

One important point that has been clarified concerns pension transfers from Final Salary Schemes to Defined Contribution Schemes (DCS). We now know these will still be allowed, but only from those schemes that are funded. Therefore, members of unfunded public sector defined benefit schemes will not be allowed to transfer their benefits to a DCS. This may not appear to be an issue – after all who would want to transfer their pension benefits out of such schemes? In effect, the government – or in reality, the UK taxpayer – underwrites the cost of these pension schemes.

Well this brings me to the second ‘thing’ …….

……. non-residents could lose their UK tax-free allowance on UK taxable income.

For those of you who have not already picked up this news, this is something that could come into effect in April 2015. A consultation has been launched by the government with a deadline of 9th October for interested parties to respond.

For French residents, this concerns those who are receiving public sector pensions, UK property rental income and/or UK earnings. If it comes into effect, the result will be that for a basic rate UK tax payer, unless your average tax rate in France is at least 20%, then your combined UK and French tax bill will be higher. This is because the method that is used to give relief from double taxation in France, limits the amount of that relief to the amount of French tax attributable to such income. Based on the 2014 rates, for a couple in France this would mean that they have to have combined taxable income of at least €112,000 per annum or for a single person, at least €57,000. If you are below this level, then you would be affected.

My initial reaction to the above was that those with public sector pensions are being treated unfairly. They cannot transfer their pension benefits out of the current scheme and so are forced to be subject to UK tax with the possibility of paying up to £2,000 a year more (based on UK 2014-15 rates), but they are unlikely to get the full relief from France. However, thankfully, the UK government has recognised that as the public sector pensions are, in theory, only taxable in the UK, then it is quite likely that entitlement to the personal allowance will be maintained.

Sadly, not so for property rental income (or earnings), as the UK government considers that people will usually be also liable to tax in their country of residence. However, the method of the calculation used to give relief from double taxation is identical for all these three categories of income, which is based on taking in to account the gross amount of income (i.e. before UK tax deduction). Had the previous method of calculating the relief still been in operation, there would not be any potential issue, since the calculation used the amount of income after deduction of UK income tax.

The other change that is taking place in the UK that affects non-residents who own property is the introduction of capital gains tax for properties sold after April 2015. When combined with the potential increase in UK income tax on any property rental income, this makes holding property for investment purposes a lot less interesting.

Are you affected by these changes? If so, please feel free to contact me if you wish to have a confidential discussion to see if your situation can be improved.

Now is also a good time to mention that we are taking bookings for our Autumn client seminars, which will be taking place across France – “Le Tour de Finance – Bringing Experts to Expats”. Our industry experts will be presenting updates and outlooks on a broad range of subjects, including:

  • Financial Markets
  • Assurance Vie
  • Pensions/QROPS
  • Structured Investments
  • French Tax issues
  • Currency Exchange

The date for the local seminar is Friday, 10th October 2014 at the Domaine Gayda, 11300 Brugairolles. This is always a very popular event and so early booking is recommended.

But if you are reading this further afield, you may be interested in attending one of our other events:
Wednesday, 8th October – St Endréol, 83920, La Motte, the Var

Full details of all venues can be found on our website at Le Tour de Finance

Places for our seminars are limited and must be reserved, in advance. So if you would like to attend one of the events or you would anyway like to have a confidential discussion about any aspect of financial planning, please contact me either by e-mail at or by telephone on 04 68 20 30 17.

The above outline is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a recommendation from The Spectrum IFA Group to take any particular action on the subject of investment of financial assets or on the mitigation of taxes.

The Spectrum IFA Group advisers do not charge any fees directly to clients for their time or for advice given, as can be seen from our Client Charter

Inheritance Planning in France

By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 15th August 2014

If you are resident in France, you are considered also to be domiciled in France for inheritance purposes and your worldwide estate becomes taxable in France, where the tax rates depend upon the relationship to your beneficiaries.

There are strict rules on succession and children are ‘protected heirs’ and so are entitled to inherit a proportion of each of their parents’ estates. For example, if you have one child, the proportion is half; two children, one-third each; and if you have three or more children, then three-quarters of your estate must be divided equally between them.

You are free to pass on the rest of your estate (the disposable part) to whoever you wish, through a French will and in the absence of making a will, if you have a surviving spouse, he/she would be entitled to 25% of your estate.

If you are not French resident, but own property in France, the same French inheritance rules and tax rates will apply in respect of that property – in effect, as if you were French resident.

You may also be considered domiciled in your ‘home country’ and if so, this could cause some confusion, since your home country may also have the right to charge succession taxes on your death. However, France has a number of Double Taxation Treaties (DTT) with other countries covering inheritance. In such a case, the DTT will set out the rules that apply (basically, ‘which’ country has the right to tax ‘what’ assets).

For example, 1963 DTT between France and the UK, specifies that the deceased’s total estate will be devolved and taxed in accordance with the person’s place of residence at the time of death, with the exception of any property assets that are sited in the other country.

Therefore, for a UK national who is resident in France, who has retained a property in the UK (and does not own any other property outside of France), the situation would be that:

  • any French property, plus his/her total financial assets, would be devolved and taxed in accordance with French law; and
  • the UK property would be devolved and taxed in accordance with UK law, although in theory, the French Notaire can take this asset into account when considering the fair distribution of all other assets to any ‘protected heirs’ (i.e. children).

 If a DTT covering inheritance does not exist between France and the other country, with which the French resident person has an interest, this could result in double taxation, if the ‘home’ country also has the right to tax the person’s estate.

Hence, when people become French resident (or own French property), there are usually two issues:

  • how to protect the survivor; and
  • how to mitigate the potential French inheritance taxes for other beneficiaries.

 At this point, there are probably many people saying “but the law has changed and now I can leave my assets to whoever I wish”.

This, of course, refers to the fact that legislation has been passed by the European Union, which will give non-French nationals, who are resident in France, the ability to choose the succession rules of their country of nationality, rather than being subject to the French rules. However, this will not be effective until 17th August 2015 and even at this stage, following analysis by the international legal profession, certain difficulties with the practical application have already been identified.

A big issue, however, is that when the EU legislation is in effect, this will not change the inheritance tax rules that apply. Therefore, even if we have the freedom to decide who inherits our estates, this will not reduce the potential inheritance tax liability. Hence, there will still be a need to shelter financial assets from French inheritance taxes.

As concerns protecting the survivor, currently, there are a number of solutions that exist in France. For example:

  • You can change your marriage regime to one of “Communauté Universelle avec une clause d’attribution intégrale de la communauté au conjoint survivant”, so that all of your combined assets are held within a ‘community pot’. Subsequently, on the death of the first person, the assets in the ‘community pot’ are transferred to the survivor with little administration, thus, providing full protection for the survivor.

    However, the downside of taking such a course of action is that your children will only have one set of inheritance allowances from the surviving parent (€100,000 per child) and so depending upon the value of your combined estates, this could result in a potential French inheritance tax bill. Therefore, an extra solution may be needed for financial assets, in order to mitigate the potential inheritance tax bill for your children or other beneficiaries.

    In any event, this possibility is not usually open to couples who have children from previous relationships, since step-children may challenge such an arrangement.

  • When purchasing property, it is possible to do this ‘en tontine’. Subsequently, on the death of the first person, it will be considered that the property has been owned by the survivor since the outset. However, this does not provide protection for financial assets and so an additional solution is needed.

    Furthermore, a potential disadvantage of purchasing a property en tontine exists, if either (or both) of the couple have children and the natural parent of those children is not the survivor. This is because the step-children will no longer be protected heirs and so will not have any right to inherit a share of the property. Should the step-parent subsequently leave the disposable part of his/her estate to the step-children, they will be faced with a French inheritance tax bill of 60% above an allowance of €1,594 (2014 rate).

  • You can make a ‘donation entré epoux’, which provides for the survivor to have outright ownership of the disposable part of the deceased’s estate and usufruit (life use) of the remainder.

    For property, the ‘right of use’ is easily definable, since the survivor can live in the property, receive any rental income and make any alterations necessary. However, he/she cannot sell the property, without the agreement of the other ‘shareholders’ and would have to distribute their share of the proceeds to them, when the property is sold.

    For financial investments, keeping the ‘right of use’ is complicated and often creates problems. There can be doubt as to whether the survivor can draw capital as well as income and what the ‘income’ actually signifies. Hence, it is preferable to find another solution for financial assets.

  • It is possible to enter into a ‘family pact’ with your children. This is a complex arrangement, whereby the children effectively agree to give up their French inheritance rights, at least until the death of the survivor. However, this gives the survivor greater control over assets and keeps the step-children’s potential inheritance tax bill to a minimum.

    Since giving up inheritance rights is considered to be such a serious matter in France, two Notaires would be involved in this process – one of whom would represent the children and thus, would be appointed by the Association of Notaires.

Whether or not any of the above solutions is the right one for you will depend upon your personal situation and, in effect, the value of your combined estates. In any event, all of the above must be carried out at the Notaire’s office and so it is very important to take the Notaire’s advice on the solution that is best for your particular situation.

As concerns potential inheritance taxes, fortunately, French inheritance tax between spouses (and partners who have entered into a Pacte Civil de Solidarité, commonly known as a PACS) was abolished in 2007, and so this is not an issue for the survivor.

Furthermore, the allowance between a parent and a child is reasonably generous at €100,000. However, at the other end of the scale, i.e. for ‘non-related persons’ (which includes step-children), the tax rate is 60% on anything inherited above €1,594.

In reality, there is little that can be done to mitigate any potential French inheritance tax bill in respect of property assets, once the standard French allowances have been used up. Hence, in such a situation, it becomes very important to shelter financial assets, as part of the inheritance planning solution.

This can be done by using Assurance Vie, which is highly beneficial for:

  • protecting the survivor;
  • mitigating the potential French inheritance taxes for your beneficiaries; and
  • providing you with control over who receives your financial assets after death

For a quirk of historical reasoning, the benefits payable on death from an Assurance Vie investment, fall outside of your estate. For amounts invested before age 70, each beneficiary (whatever their relationship to you) is entitled to a tax-free allowance of €152,500 and taxation is limited to 20% on any benefit paid above this amount (although a higher tax rate of 31.25% applies for amounts exceeding €700,000 per beneficiary).

There is no limit to the number of beneficiaries that you can name. Hence, whatever your family situation, it is possible to pass on your capital to whoever you like, without them suffering excessive rates of French inheritance tax. Thus, the survivor can be protected and the capital can subsequently pass to your other beneficiaries, following the death of the survivor.

For amounts invested after age 70, the inheritance allowance for all of your beneficiaries is reduced to a total of €30,500 (plus the investment return on the total amount invested). In effect, therefore, it is only the amount invested that exceeds €30,500 that would be taxed at standard French inheritance tax rates.

Sadly, social contributions are now chargeable on any gain in the policy paid out as a death benefit. Despite this charge, this type of investment is still highly effective for inheritance planning, particularly since Assurance Vie is also personally tax-efficient, since the tax treatment is more favourable than most other types of French investments.

Inheritance planning is a highly specialised and complicated subject. Everyone’s family situation and level of wealth is different and it is very important to seek professional advice, so that the best course of action for you can be established.

The above outline is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a recommendation from The Spectrum IFA Group to take any particular action to mitigate the effects of French taxes.

The Spectrum IFA Group advisers do not charge any fees for their time or for advice given, as can be seen from our Client Charter

Enthusiastic feedback from ‘Le Tour de Finance’

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 14th August 2014

For anyone who missed my recent seminars, I will be at The Deux Sevres Show on Saturday 20th September from 10.00am to answer any questions you may have. This ever popular event will be held at La Salle Aluna 21, Lac des Effres, 79130 Secondigny

The recent and successful Le Tour de Finance seminars covered many areas of finance expats encounter whilst living in France, including:

• Recent budget changes in UK pensions and the effect on expats – recent changes have opened up a number of new options, however, specialist advice is important to ensure you receive recommendations right for your situation

• The tax efficiency of your current investments – many people had tax effective investments whilst UK residents, but are these still best value now you live in France?

• Where should I pay my tax? – This is becoming an increasingly asked question due to where you & your family are actually domiciled. Whilst the UK & France have a double taxation treaty, your domicile can have an effect on social charges you are liable for.

• Regulation – Having a relationship with a company who are regulated in the country where you live in very important for financial peace of mind

• Value for Money – In today’s competitive economy, it is important to receive value for money in any advice you receive.

In addition to the above I can also talk to you about how you can plan for your pension now that you are working in France & how recent changes in social charges could impact your current investments & rental income you receive in France or the UK.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

By popular demand Le Tour de Finance will be back in the autumn months. Please contact us here for further details.

Inheritance and expats living in France

By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 4th August 2014

Quite a few of my meetings with clients new and old recently have focussed on the thorny issue of inheritance.  I think most of us are aware that this can cause problems for expatriates living in France.  More recently some of us seem to think that the problem is about to go away.  It isn’t.

What is true is that we will be able to adopt the laws of succession of the country of birth over the country of residence from August next year.  What we have to realise though is that although this is indeed a relaxation of the strict Napoleonic succession code, there are no plans to change the taxation structure that goes with it.  Whilst we will then be free to write estranged children (a sad but relatively common problem) out of our Wills, leaving substantial amounts of money or property to non-blood relatives will arouse glee in the ‘fisc’ as they will pick up 60% tax on the vast majority of it.

At this point many of you will be expecting me to veer off on my favourite tangent and harp on about how assurance vie can be the answer to all these ills, but I’m not going to.  If that disappoints you, please feel free to drop me a line and I’ll rectify that situation.

Instead I’m going to stay on inheritance, because there are a few other aspects to this inevitable situation that some of you aren’t sure about.  At present, children are ‘reserved heirs’.  They enjoy special rights, and they have relatively generous tax free allowances that they can use from both parents.  Rather unfairly though, step-children do not share these rights.  If you die and leave an estate to your stepson or stepdaughter, he or she will pay the full tax rates, with no child tax free allowance.

Another inheritance issue that trips some of us up is what happens when we inherit from our own relatives.  Succession tax is payable by a French resident who receives a gift or inheritance and who has been resident in France for at least 6 out of the 10 previous tax years. That’s the bad news.  The good news is that under specific provisions laid down by the UK/France Double Taxation Treaty, we are exempt from this tax law as long as the relative was not also a French resident. So if we inherit from a parent, or in fact from anyone who lived in the UK, we do not have to declare this for tax purposes in France.  If that benefactor was a French resident though, be prepared to fork out a substantial amount in succession tax.

These are just three of the common areas of confusion that I come across regularly in my discussions with clients.  There are many more complicated issues that need to be addressed if you want to have a trouble free transfer of assets when you or your loved ones die.  This can be a self-educating process, especially if your family circumstances are relatively straightforward.  If not, the best person to approach to establish the facts is your notaire.  If your French isn’t up to it, find a notaire who speaks English.  There are plenty of them about.

In many cases your financial adviser should be your next port of call, specifically to put in place financial strategies that can help circumnavigate many of the problems.  Assurance vie will probably figure highly in this process. It is the ‘aspirin’ that cures many a financial headache.

Are you thinking about starting a pension in France?

By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 15th July 2014

I have been working in France for several years and feel I should now be looking at long terms plans & pensions, but don’t know where to start. Can you help me?


There are many people who, like myself, have come to France to work. Once your business is established it is sensible to start to think about your longer terms financial goals:

  • At what age would I lie to retire or reduce the number of hours I am working?
  • What UK pension can I expect to receive bearing in mind I am no longer paying National Insurance contributions?
  • What can I do with any private UK pension pots I have from my time working in the UK?
  • How much income do I think I will need once I retire in France?
  • What can I do to maximise my income & minimise my tax when I retire?

A free financial consultation will allow us to cover all of the above questions and look at options based on your personal circumstances, which will allow you to best plan ahead. Several small decisions now, can make a great difference to your future quality of life.

 There are no consulting fees for providing you with advice or ongoing service.  Our Client Charter outlines how we work and what you can expect from us. Please do not hesitate to ask for a copy of this.

Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports or recommendations we provide.

Pilot Loss of License and Loss of Training Expenses Insurance

By Chris Burke
This article is published on: 26th June 2014

Pilots Loss of Licence InsuranceAircrew undergo many years of hard work at substantial expense to attain their aviation license. However, a commercial pilot’s career and income are always at risk should they suffer serious injury or deterioration in health.

Pilots Loss of License Insurance provides financial support should your aviation career end abruptly; it provides stability while you retrain for a new career. Policies are available on an individual basis should your employer not provide it; similarly members can ‘top up’ their coverage in addition to their company’s existing group policy.

Loss of license insurance is specifically designed for pilots. As such, it negates many of the associated limitations of traditional group insurance products. For instance permanent health and critical illness insurance policies may provide limited cover and significantly reduced benefits in the instance of losing your license.

Who can we insure?

We can cover any individual commercial, fixed rotary or wing pilots including flight instructors, who hold a current license and who are gainfully employed, and actively at work.

Alternatively, if you’re interested in a group policy, please email us directly at

Key benefits

  • Lump sum payment
  • Monthly temporary benefit option
  • Continuous coverage
  • Full psychological illness cover option available
  • Market leading cover for alcohol and drug related illnesses
  • No extra charge for rotor-wing pilots
  • Worldwide cover

I have worked extensively with aviation companies and individuals alike, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Click here for a quote on Pilots Loss of License Insurance


Spectrum crosses the finish line with Le Tour de Finance

By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 23rd June 2014

The recent Tour de Finance has come to a triumphant conclusion. The latest tour covered nine locations throughout France following other events in Spain and Italy earlier in the year.

The events are a chance for expats to gather in an informal setting to listen to a wide range of financial experts discussing various topics relevant to living overseas as an expat. The sessions are relaxed and are a great chance for expats to meet other like minder people and to also get those valuable questions answer relating to financial issues as an expat.

Le Tour brings together experts covering areas such as QROPS, Taxation, Wealth Management and Investments, together with Currency Transactions, Banking and Health Care Provision.

Le Tour de Finance will be back in the autumn, so if you’d like more information on the future locations please contact us via the form below.

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For more information on Le Tour de Finance, please complete the enquiry form below.

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The Spectrum IFA Group at TED Event

By Victoria Lewis
This article is published on: 17th June 2014

Victoria Lewis, one of Spectrum’s advisers  in the South of France and Paris, was recently nominated to participate at a TED event ( in Grenoble.

“It was an honor and a privilege to be nominated as a Speaker by TED, especially when I discovered one of the other speakers was a Nobel Prize winner!  I was asked to speak about the global pension situation and the problems faced today by those people wishing to retire early.”

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“TED imposes strict rules on the talk format and each presenter must speaker for 18 minutes.  There was an international audience of 300 people, many of whom were executives from international companies, entrepreneurs, scientists and university undergraduates.  Fortunately, there was time during the event to answer specific questions from the audience and it was clear that most people had a real interest in improving their financial well-being. “

What’s TED?

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’. Started as a four-day conference in California 25 years ago, TED has grown to support world-changing ideas.  The annual TED Conference invites the world’s leading thinkers and doers to speak  and their talks are then made available, free, at TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Al Gore, Jane Goodall, Sir Richard Branson, Philippe Starck, and UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown.  TEDTalks are posted daily at