Make it work on a single salary artcile
By Stuart Faires
This article is published on: 8th July 2013
Having one parent stay home is increasingly becoming a luxury
Having one parent stay home is increasingly becoming a luxury. Kate Ashford from asks The Spectrum IFA Group how to plan for this lifestyle change.
To read the full article please click here
French U-turn on tax grab spells good news for expats
By Graham Keysell
This article is published on: 2nd July 2013
Expats in France can breathe a sigh of relief after the French government backed down on its tax grab on second homes.
From September 1, those owning a second home in the country for more than 22 years will have complete exemption from capital gains tax (CGT).
Graham Keysell comments in The Daily Telegraph personal finance section. Read more here
Give your investment portfolio the ‘Lip’ Service it deserves
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 1st July 2013
During the last few months, I am finding more and more people, who have always considered that they are averse to investment risk, are prepared to take a little more risk.
Typically, these people would have kept their savings on bank deposit. However, due to the lack of any decent rate of interest being earned over recent years, they have found that their savings are no longer maintaining ‘real’ purchasing power. Even worse, if they are dependent upon supplementing other income (for example, pensions) from savings, in many cases their capital has been seriously reduced. Combine this with the general feeling that people now feel that their capital is less secure with a bank (particularly after the Cyprus issues), it is no surprise that they are seeking a different way of protecting their wealth.
One of the problems for those people who wish to change direction, however, is that they may have little understanding or knowledge about how to do this. So where do they begin?
Seeking professional advice is, of course, a good starting point. Investment professionals will usually build portfolios for their clients by using a concept known as ‘asset allocation’ investing. Subsequently, the portfolio is invested across a range of investment sectors, in varying proportions, with the objective of finding the best investment return for the least amount of risk, according to the investor’s objective (for example, income or capital growth).
In the past, it was not too difficult to find the right asset allocation because the correlation of assets classes – which can simply be explained as the direction of that one asset class (for example, equities) moves in relation to another (for example, fixed interest) – was well understood and had not changed for many years. It was often said that as equity markets went up, bond markets would go down! However,the world has changed and it is not as easy to predict what assets classes may do in the future. Diversification remains a key part of a good investment strategy and so asset allocation is still a very important part of putting together an investment portfolio. It is vital for improving long-term returns and reducing investment risk (volatility), however, it is no longer the ‘be all and end all’ of good investment management.
When people are saving, they usually have a particular objective in mind. Depending upon your timescale, this will impact upon the investment strategy to be implemented. Added to this is the need to take into account your own particular attitude to investment risk.
At The Spectrum IFA Group, we use a Lifestyle Investment Planning (LIP) approach. This takes into account the period over which you wish to reach your goal and consideration is given to what the world might look like at the time that you want to use your capital, or draw income from it. Then a portfolio is built today to take advantages of the likely changes – to the extent that they can be predicted – over the time frame ahead. In other words, it is forward looking, keeping an eye on the future and not just on the past.
More information on our approach to investment advice can be found on our website at
Because different investment themes, stories and strategies will be appropriate to different people at different stages of their lives, using a Lifestyle Investment Planning approach can be very powerful, as it provides the opportunity to check where you are today (in relation to your objective) and then to consider the investment ideas, stories and strategies that are likely to affect you. It is also very important that the portfolio is reviewed periodically, in effect, an ‘audit check’ to see if you are on target to reach your goal (for example, income during retirement). The easiest way to understand this concept is to start at the point of retirement and work backwards.
Income Portfolio – In retirement, we all need a decent and growing level of income. Professional income declines or stops entirely, as we enter the ‘spending only’ phase of our lives. Various strategies to maximize income and beat inflation should be adopted. It is also important to consider cash flow and not just to concentrate on short-term capital security. By necessity, some capital volatility may have to be tolerated to achieve the level of income required. In addition, as it is important to beat inflation over the longer term, some growth strategies should also be employed, with the aim of ensuring that the capital maintains its real purchasing power throughout your retirement years. Since people are living a lot longer, this could be a very long time.
Pre-Retirement Portfolio – Before reaching the income stage of life, but as you start to plan for retirement, the last thing you need is for your portfolio to fall in value just before you want to start to draw an income, as this can dramatically reduce the income that you can sensibly take, if you wish your capital to last through your retirement years. At this stage of life, it is likely that you will have accumulated the majority of your assets. Your income may still be high, but the timescale for taking advantage of investment opportunities is short. You may have even started planning things to do early on in your retirement, the first ten years often being the most expensive. You will probably be looking forward to having more time available for new hobbies and travel. During this phase capital protection is paramount and active management of the transition from growth to income will take place. Portfolios should include some deposit based accounts and funds with capital protection or defined/absolute returns.This may reduce investment returns but it substantially reduces the investment risk. Many investors fail to make this most important change within the last five years before retirement, often switching from pure growth portfolios to income at the point of retirement. If this happens to be at a time when the markets have fallen significantly, then the income available, and hence your lifestyle in retirement, could be dramatically affected. If you are further from retirement, have planned well and have a pension or savings fund available to you, you can consider the type of investments that may do well from now until the point at which your retire.
Consolidation Portfolio – If you are within fifteen years or so of retirement, you may not be comfortable with the idea of having your capital very exposed to the more volatile investment sectors. Your primary objective may be to beat inflation with lower volatility than during the accumulation stage, over a medium time scale.The types of strategies you may elect to use could be emerging market bonds, rather than emerging market equities; high yield bonds (with income reinvested) can also offer good returns currently, but with lower volatility than shares; and equity income offers a growing income stream, together with a good chance for capital appreciation. During this phase, you should also have a good ‘profit taking’ strategy, where profits are transferred into lower risk investments to help the transition to Pre-Retirement.
Accumulation Portfolio – If you are a very long way from retirement (say 20 to 30years), then you should consider the long term growth stories and invest in sectors such as infrastructure and consumer spending. Currently, there is a huge and increasing demand for commodities, which will continue to push up prices. The growth in emerging markets is changing the world order, such that mature western economies will be outpaced by burgeoning new ones. Volatility is likely to remain for some time, although at this stage of your life cycle, you have the timeframe to ride out the peaks and troughs of the investment markets. Again, you should employ a good profit taking strategy to further diversify your spread of investments.
For all of the above strategies, asset allocation is still very relevant and it is still vital to have a well-diversified portfolio invested across many asset classes. It is also important to have geographical and sector diversification within the asset classes used. However, in reality, this is insufficient; applying the stories and strategies is equally important. As a European expatriate, it is also important to overlay your whole portfolio with currency considerations and even have in place an agreed strategy to move, fore example, Sterling or USD investments into Euro investments, over time, to match future income liabilities.
Of course taking expert, qualified and regulated investment advice is very important to ensure you have the best ideas to secure your future lifestyle aspirations. Ongoing monitoring of portfolios is vital to correctly manage the changes explained above, over your lifetime. Sadly, I come across too many cases where people have never had their portfolios reviewed by the person or company that provided the initial investment advice and as a consequence, their objectives are not being met.
Ask Amanda in The Deux Sevres Magazine & The Vendee Magazine
By Amanda Johnson
This article is published on: 30th June 2013
Since I started writing in The Deux Sevres Magazine & The Vendee Magazine, I have met and spoken to many interesting people who have either already made their permanent move to France or are in the final steps of doing so. They have many questions and here are some of those I have answered over the past year:
I have just sold my house in the UK and have some capital, why should I see a Financial Planner?So that all the financial options available to you in France can be explained, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your personal circumstances and aspirations.
I currently spend more time in the UK, why should I see a UK Financial Planner?UK financial rules and regulations differ to France. Talking to an “in-country” specialist & working with a French regulated company will enable you to keep up to date with the current rules relating to your finances and future changes as they arise.
If I need cash at a later date after buying a house here, can I easily release some equity in my French Property? This is a more complicated process than in the UK. The banks look very closely at what your plans for the money are and your personal circumstances. This is especially tricky if you find that your income has reduced since moving to France.
I have made a UK will, is that sufficient in France? If your main residence is in UK, then a UK will be fine. However, if your main residence is in France then it is necessary to make a French will.
If I move to France before retirement age, what happens to my UK Pensions until I am old enough to drawn them? There are many options available to you depending on your personal circumstances and this is an area that the needs looking at very carefully. Being an expatriate does allow you certain flexibility with historic employer pensions.
I have UK investments; can I get tax efficient investments in France? Yes, the French government give allowances to French residents and I can explain these to you, as well as whether the tax status on UK investments has changed with your move.
How much will it cost me to see a Financial Adviser? The Spectrum-IFA Group charges no fee for consultations. We get paid by the companies we deal with. Please ask for a copy of our client charter which explains how we work.
If you have any questions that you feel I may be able to help you with, please “Ask Amanda” and I will call you to discuss your questions and arrange the most appropriate answer.
QROPS – Take Control of Your UK Pension
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 25th June 2013
Many expatriates remain unaware that British pensions can be transferred out of the UK. Should you be looking at using QROPS legislation to take control of your UK pension?
Since April 2006, individuals who have left the UK, who have left behind private or company pension benefits, can now effect a QROPS transfer. HMRC introduced QROPS ‘Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes’ which allow a non-UK resident to transfer their frozen pension outside of the UK.
This has led to many expats contacting their advisers for further information on how to improve their retirement options. And it’s not just the British; there are many foreign nationals who have built up a pension pot while working in the UK. Pension transfers under QROPS are a tax efficient way for expats to greatly enhance their pension flexibility. Pensions in the UK are subject to very restrictive tax rules when it comes to succession planning and this can be much improved by moving the pension to another jurisdiction. In some circumstances it may not be appropriate to transfer your pension, It is essential that a proper analysis is carried by a licensed and fully qualified adviser. This is a highly specialist type of financial planning and should not be entered into lightly.
Should I Consider Using QROPS?
If you fit the profile below, then you should consider contacting us for a free analysis of your situation.
- You are no longer resident in the UK.
- You do not intend to return to the UK.
- You have a UK pension (or a number of pensions) with a total minimum value of GBP 50,000.
So what are the key benefits?
Upon death most people would like to think that as much of their assets would be passed on to their heirs as possible. However in the UK there can be a tax charge of 55% of the remaining pension when it is in drawdown and paid out as a death lump sum. Further, with many conventional final salary schemes the widow’s/widower’s pension is only half the main pension, sometimes less if the spouse is quite a bit younger. A QROPS gives you the option to pass on the pension fund to your spouse, children and/or grandchildren as a pension or a lump sum, free of tax.
Investment Choice
By moving an arrangement out of the UK, there can be a much wider choice of international investments available. Some existing pension schemes can be very restrictive in the choice of funds (UK only), or permitted investments. Most QROPS transfers can provide access to a wide range of sophisticated funds, to suit your risk profile and lifestyle stage.
Currency Risk
The underlying investments and income payments from a QROPS scheme can be denominated in a choice of currencies to reduce the risk of currency fluctuations. Many British retirees have suffered as the British pound depreciated in recent years against the currency zone they are living in. a QROPS can help you manage this risk.
Flexibility in Retirement
Your circumstances can change during your retirement years, for example you may still do some work or you may move countries again. You will therefore need a number of options when it comes to taking your pension benefits. You have to consider the PCLS (Pension Commencement Lump Sum – up to 30% with a QROPS scheme) and the level of regular income you need. A good solution under QROPS will allow you to vary your income in the future, rather than fixing it at one rate.
Professional Advice
Above all, getting professional advice is crucial, as well as choosing the right jurisdiction in which to transfer under the QROPS provisions. The pension should still be treated as a pension, i.e. it is not intended to be a way to ‘cash-out’ early. HMRC will come down hard on individuals, schemes and jurisdictions which abuse the rules.
A suitably approved scheme provider is also essential. At Spectrum we offer a free analysis of your pensions by our highly qualified advisory team, as well as our ongoing advice on portfolio management and the various retirement options.
Insight into tax efficient savings in Spain
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 21st June 2013
It is that time of year again when attention turns to tax in Spain. The time of year when we add our worldwide
This year it is particularly important. Firstly, the Renta Declaration has to correspond with our Form 720 (Modelo 720). Secondly, the G8 are addressing the issue of tax which includes implementing more automatic exchange of information between countries.income to the “declaración de la renta”.
Despite this “crackdown”, in many countries there are tax efficient ways of saving. In the UK this includes ISAs and in France the Assurance Vie (Life Assurance) as examples. Tax efficient Saving in Spain is also available in a simple and effective manner using a unit linked insurance. With tax only paid on withdrawals, the fact your investment grows free of tax can make a big difference.
Amount Invested | Rate of Return |
Value at 5yrs |
Value at 10yrs |
Value at 20yrs |
100,000€ | 6.90% Gross Roll Up |
149233 |
208331 |
406005 |
100,000€ | 5.45% (6.9% TAXED AT 21%) |
137101 |
178339 |
301753 |
Difference |
12,132€ |
29,932€ |
104,252€ |
The rate of return of 6.9% is used as an example only and has been used as it is the average return on a diversified portfolio in the last 10 years.*
Tax is payable in the following manner
* This rate of return is an example only and does not imply that savings will make this specific rate of return. Indeed, values will go down as well as up. The information is based on our understanding of the law and tax rates as at 19/06/2013 for basic rate capital gains tax payers and may vary in the future. Individual advice is only given after conducting a review of your particular circumstances.100,000€ invested
grows to
which is 100,000€ capital and 50,000€ gain
On a withdrawal of, say, 30,000€
Treated as 20,000€ Capital and 10,000€ gain (ie in same proportions as above).
10,000€ taxed at 21%
equals 2,100€
2,100€ on a withdrawal of 30,000€ is an effective tax rate of 7%
Tax on sale of inherited property in Italy
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 20th June 2013
Did you know that the Capital Gains tax on the sale of inherited property for an Italian tax resident is ZERO.
If you were not already aware, the Italian government does not charge any capital gains taxes on any property which has been passed into your ownership through an inheritance. Something to shout about! And a nice financial planning tool as well.
What is risk? – Equities
By Peter Brooke
This article is published on: 12th June 2013
In this series of articles we are considering the different TYPES of RISK we take when investing in different assets. This should help to build a portfolio in which we fully understand what risks each part of the portfolio expose us to.
What are equities? – known as stocks or shares they are a ‘share’ in a company. As a part owner of that company we must therefore SHARE in its profits (and losses). If the company goes bust we cannot expect not to share in this and lose (normally) everything we put in! Likewise if it is very profitable then we would hope to be rewarded as owners should be (by dividend or share price growth… or both); the performance of shares is well documented and on average they outperform most other assets over the long term but do we really understand all of the different types of RISK we take as investors in shares?
Asset risk – if equities themselves, as an asset class, are out of favour then they tend to all fall together if concerns about future growth (and therefore profits) are prevalent, this can be irrelevant of the market or sector you are looking at, which may have robust fundamental reasons to invest in it but is still knocked by the market selling off all equities.
Market or Correlation risk – many major stock markets are very highly correlated, so even if you have a diverse portfolio of European, US and UK stocks, for example, you can lose on all of them if they are highly correlated.
Sector Risk – companies all do different things, provide different services and make different goods, but sometimes a whole sector will be out of favour so losing value in what is a good company may still happen if the sector it is in is not loved.
Company specific risk – this is primarily down to the quality of the board of the company and the vast majority of company directors want their companies to do well; but their share price can also be affected by regulatory changes, legal actions, competitors, patents etc. no matter how good a company may be it is not bullet proof and so different companies will perform better in different parts of the market cycle.
Liquidity Risk – if you decide to buy smaller companies which aren’t very well known then there may be a minimal ‘market’ for them… this means that if you can’t find a buyer then you either can’t sell them at all, or you accept a lower price. Most shares are traded on regulated stock exchanges and so liquidity of all but the smallest companies tends to be good.
‘Shares are the only things we don’t buy on sale’ so all of the above risks, like with most assets, can create buying opportunities. It is often best to access shares via funds as the daily choices and control are managed by a professional manager, you can then also access many different sectors and markets with relatively small portfolios.
It is vital to understand the different types of risk so your overall asset base is not over exposed to one type of risk. For example someone with a large property portfolio (liquidity risk) shouldn’t then invest in small companies but should have more money in cash (inflation risk), high quality bonds (interest rate risk) and ‘blue chip’ shares (market risk).
This article is for information only and should not be considered as advice.
Beware: International Financial Advisers operating in Italy!
By Spectrum IFA
This article is published on: 5th June 2013
It has been brought to my attention recently that there has been a sudden increase in the number of financial advisers looking to provide advice to expats in Italy, and a number of you have been telling me that you have been solicited with unwanted phone calls.
So here are some words of caution!
International advice firms that advise expats in various countries around the world are not new. We have been around for a long time. In The Spectrum IFA groups case, 10 years. Even longer if you take into account the experience of some of the advisers in the group. However, there has been one important development in this field in the last 5 – 10 years, in Europe and that is regulation. The EU have regulated this area of financial advice a lot more.
The outcome of this is whereas International financial advisory groups might have once offered a raft of offshore products to everyone, no matter where they live, each and every product must now be tailored to meet the individual requirements of the country in which the client is living, in this case Italy. An offshore product is often NOT suitable as they are blacklisted for Italian tax purposes (although they can be suitable in some cases) and detrimental tax treatment will apply. (I will write more about this on another blog post).
Thank fully most groups now offer the right products for the respective country in which the client lives but there are still some risks in working with groups and more importantly individuals who do not have the correct tax status in Italy.
Firstly, you need to ensure that the group with whom you are working is correctly regulated in Italy. They should be registered either with ISVAP or the CONSOB, and/or have ‘passports’ from another European country to do business in Italy. Thankfully most do and so this is the least concerning area.
My biggest concern is that of the advisers themselves. Quite often advisers will live and work in Italy but without actually becoming resident here and without submitting tax declarations. This is worrying. Should you do business with these people and they are subsequently investigated by the Guardia di Finanza then I can see no other option than them leaving the country and leaving you high and dry.
At the Spectrum IFA Group it is important for us to understand exactly what our clients are going through and so we are all required to be resident in the countries in which we work, which means tax declarations.
As more and more groups decide to come to Italy and work with expats, expat financial advisers will come under more and more scrutiny to ensure that we have our own personal tax affairs in order. If not then it is problematic for the adviser but even more so for the client who is left wondering why their adviser cannot return to Italy.
I am all for good healthy competition that drives standards up and creates innovation in the market, but bad practice does not bode well for the reputation of a financial profession which has had its fair share of scandal in recent times.
My advice is always to ask the question to whom you are working with: Are you resident and paying tax in Italy?, ask to see their carta d’identita, and ask for evidence of F24 if required (to evidence that they pay their taxes). Don’t forget evidence of registration in Italy and do enough research in advance.
The Spectrum IFA group has a branch in Italy and is fully registered with ISVAP and the Camera di Commercio. (P.Iva 12418981002)