The 1986 movie “The Three Amigo’s” (starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short) was one of my favourites in my early teens. I laughed so much at that movie and it brings back great memories watching it with my friends in the cinema.
The Three Amigos
By Michael Doyle
This article is published on: 21st October 2024
But where does this fit in with financial planning, you’re probably asking yourself.
Well, the three amigos in financial planning are:
• Time
• Knowledge
• Inclination
This is what a financial planner has.
When you are considering your financial situation, ask yourself these questions. Do I have the time, knowledge and inclination to be my own adviser? If you have all three, then you probably won’t have as much need of a financial consultant. If, however, you fall down on one of these, I can quite confidently argue that you need a specialist, and that’s where I come in.
This is my job, and after my family, this is what I’ve committed my life to. So, I have the time to do all of the research on your behalf.

I’ve been in the financial service industry for 25 years so bring a lot of knowledge with me. Not only that, I am backed by a fantastic company in Spectrum who work every day to find better products, better solutions and better advice for our clients. Why does that matter? Well because we have 50 financial advisers across France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta and Switzerland and have been offering advice since 2003.
Do you really want to be monitoring your portfolio monthly, rebalancing every 6 months or so? If you don’t have the inclination to do this you could see your investment going sideways.
So let’s work together and get the Three Amigos on your side.