Name: | Chris Webb | |
Phone: | +34 918265100 | |
Mobile: | +34 6391 18185 | |
E-mail: | chris.webb@spectrum-ifa.com | |
Office address: | Estación De Chamartin, S/n Cota 13 Local 6, 28036 Madrid, Espana | |
Expat since: | 2007 | |
Specialist areas: | All aspects of wealth management & protection – retirement planning, education fee planning, general savings and investments – all in a tax efficient manner. Personal insurance / protection policies | |
Family: | I have been married to my wife Rachel since 2004 and we have two children. My daughter Rhianna was born in 2006 and my son Leon was born in 2010. | |
Hobbies: | When he gets a spare few hours, he enjoys playing golf although unfortunately has never advanced from beginner stage (which he likes to think of as making a long walk that little bit more exciting). Since moving to Spain, Chris intends to make the most of the outdoor lifestyle and enjoys exploring the local culture as much as possible. |
Having lived in Singapore for 6 years, where he worked for one of Asia’s largest financial brokerages, Chris made the decision to relocate back to Europe with his wife and young family. After investigating the opportunities available here, and in Spain particularly, Chris joined the Spectrum IFA team in Madrid where he utilises his many years of experience in Financial Services.
As an experienced international adviser, Chris provides knowledge and expertise covering all aspects of personal wealth management and financial planning. His qualifications include the Capital Markets and Financial Advisory Services certifications: CMFAS 5, CMFAS 8, CMFAS 8a, CMFAS 9, CMFAS 9a and CMFAS HI.
Chris is also an Associate member of The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment.