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John Hayward Blog / Articles

News addiction can damage your wealth

News addiction can damage your wealth

Claiming State Pensions in Spain and the UK

Claiming State Pensions in Spain and the UK

UK Inheritance tax and living in Valencia

UK Inheritance tax and living in Valencia

Interest in deposit accounts

Interest in deposit accounts

Reduction of Succession and Gift Tax in Valencia

Reduction of Succession and Gift Tax in Valencia

The end of succession tax in Valencia

The end of succession tax in Valencia

Reducing Spanish tax

Reducing Spanish tax

How to reduce Wealth Tax in Spain

How to reduce Wealth Tax in Spain

History: How it can save you money

History: How it can save you money

Am I paying too much Wealth Tax in Spain?

Am I paying too much Wealth Tax in Spain?

More Spanish residents to pay wealth tax

More Spanish residents to pay wealth tax

The Spanish State Pension

The Spanish State Pension

Making a Will in Spain

Making a Will in Spain

Spanish Tax on Personal Pensions

Spanish Tax on Personal Pensions

Spanish Tax Guide 2022

Spanish Tax Guide 2022

Spanish tax on UK property

Spanish tax on UK property

Modelo 720 – the end of late filing fees?

Modelo 720 – the end of late filing fees?

Smart Banking

Smart Banking

New Spanish tax rules for UK ISAs and investment funds

New Spanish tax rules for UK ISAs and investment funds

Wealth Tax in Spain

Wealth Tax in Spain

Taxes in Spain after BREXIT

Taxes in Spain after BREXIT

New Spanish bank charges post-Brexit

New Spanish bank charges post-Brexit

Cash is King?

Cash is King?

Is it necessary to have a Spanish will and a British will?

Is it necessary to have a Spanish will and a British will?

Are you and your investments adapting to change?

Are you and your investments adapting to change?

The recovery of stock markets cannot be ignored

The recovery of stock markets cannot be ignored

There is more to (investment) life than the FTSE100

There is more to (investment) life than the FTSE100

How to avoid Spanish taxes on your UK property and investments

How to avoid Spanish taxes on your UK property and investments

Moving to Spain & UK pension contributions

Moving to Spain & UK pension contributions

How long do you wait for things to improve?

How long do you wait for things to improve?

Feeling down about investments?

Feeling down about investments?

Save Thousands in Gift and Inheritance Tax in Spain

Save Thousands in Gift and Inheritance Tax in Spain

Advice before you arrive in Spain

So what is the outlook for 2020?

So what is the outlook for 2020?

Spanish Succession and Gift Tax boost for non-EU beneficiaries

Spanish Succession and Gift Tax boost for non-EU beneficiaries

Your right to vote and the risk of doing nothing

Your right to vote and the risk of doing nothing

Do you know if you are overpaying Spanish tax?

Do you know if you are overpaying Spanish tax?

Putting financial concerns in perspective

Putting financial concerns in perspective

The danger of waiting for Brexit

The danger of waiting for Brexit

Deal or No Deal…?

Deal or No Deal…?

Brexit uncertainty and much more…

Tax in Spain can be a matter of opinion

Tax in Spain can be a matter of opinion

Saving tax is a good policy

Saving tax is a good policy

Has your bank in Spain paid you over 3% p.a. interest on your savings recently?

Preparing your loved ones for life after your death

Preparing your loved ones for life after your death

Brexit: the effect on your money

Documents and information needed when someone dies

Documents and information needed when someone dies

Avoid Bank Charges

Avoid Bank Charges

What will happen in 2017?

What will happen in 2017?

Dread and Brexit

Dread and Brexit

Are your investments tax compliant in Spain?

Are your investments tax compliant in Spain?

Don´t bank on low charges

Don´t bank on low charges

How much have your savings increased in the last 12 months?

How much have your savings increased in the last 12 months?

Automatic Exchange of Information (AEI)

Automatic Exchange of Information (AEI)

Don´t slip up with over “Greece”ing

Don´t slip up with over “Greece”ing

Can You Avoid Spanish Inheritance Tax?

Have you or someone you know had to pay Spanish non-resident inheritance tax since 2010?

Have you or someone you know had to pay Spanish non-resident inheritance tax since 2010?

Savings solutions in Spain

Savings solutions in Spain

How much is Inheritance Tax in Spain?

Spanish Tax Reforms

Spanish Tax Reforms

Investments can have too much structure

Will Spain be moved by Brussels?

Diversification could pay dividends



Spanish Inheritance Tax and Habitual Residence

Property and inheritance tax increases in the Valencian Community